{"status":"public","type":"conference","publication_status":"accepted","date_created":"2024-05-19T14:26:29Z","date_updated":"2024-05-19T14:28:10Z","citation":{"mla":"Unruh, Roland, et al. “Experimentally Verified 22 KW, 30 KHz LLC Resonant Converter Design with New Control for a 1 MW Cascaded H-Bridge Converter.” ECCE Europe 2024; IEEE Energy Conversion Congress & Exposition Europe.","apa":"Unruh, R., Böcker, J., & Schafmeister, F. (n.d.). Experimentally Verified 22 kW, 30 kHz LLC Resonant Converter Design with new Control for a 1 MW Cascaded H-Bridge Converter. ECCE Europe 2024; IEEE Energy Conversion Congress & Exposition Europe. ECCE Europe, Darmstadt.","bibtex":"@inproceedings{Unruh_Böcker_Schafmeister, place={Darmstadt}, title={Experimentally Verified 22 kW, 30 kHz LLC Resonant Converter Design with new Control for a 1 MW Cascaded H-Bridge Converter}, booktitle={ECCE Europe 2024; IEEE Energy Conversion Congress & Exposition Europe}, author={Unruh, Roland and Böcker, Joachim and Schafmeister, Frank} }","short":"R. Unruh, J. Böcker, F. Schafmeister, in: ECCE Europe 2024; IEEE Energy Conversion Congress & Exposition Europe, Darmstadt, n.d.","ama":"Unruh R, Böcker J, Schafmeister F. Experimentally Verified 22 kW, 30 kHz LLC Resonant Converter Design with new Control for a 1 MW Cascaded H-Bridge Converter. In: ECCE Europe 2024; IEEE Energy Conversion Congress & Exposition Europe.","ieee":"R. Unruh, J. Böcker, and F. Schafmeister, “Experimentally Verified 22 kW, 30 kHz LLC Resonant Converter Design with new Control for a 1 MW Cascaded H-Bridge Converter,” presented at the ECCE Europe, Darmstadt.","chicago":"Unruh, Roland, Joachim Böcker, and Frank Schafmeister. “Experimentally Verified 22 KW, 30 KHz LLC Resonant Converter Design with New Control for a 1 MW Cascaded H-Bridge Converter.” In ECCE Europe 2024; IEEE Energy Conversion Congress & Exposition Europe. Darmstadt, n.d."},"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"publication":"ECCE Europe 2024; IEEE Energy Conversion Congress & Exposition Europe","_id":"54356","year":"2024","author":[{"id":"34289","first_name":"Roland","last_name":"Unruh","full_name":"Unruh, Roland"},{"orcid":"0000-0002-8480-7295","last_name":"Böcker","full_name":"Böcker, Joachim","first_name":"Joachim","id":"66"},{"full_name":"Schafmeister, Frank","last_name":"Schafmeister","first_name":"Frank","id":"71291"}],"title":"Experimentally Verified 22 kW, 30 kHz LLC Resonant Converter Design with new Control for a 1 MW Cascaded H-Bridge Converter","conference":{"location":"Darmstadt","name":"ECCE Europe"},"place":"Darmstadt","department":[{"_id":"52"}],"user_id":"71291"}