{"status":"public","date_updated":"2024-06-04T09:00:23Z","date_created":"2024-06-04T09:00:17Z","_id":"54574","citation":{"mla":"Weller, Julian, et al. Towards a Systematic Approach for Prescriptive Analytics Use Cases in Smart Factories. 2023.","bibtex":"@inproceedings{Weller_Nico Migenda_Rui Liu_Arthur Wegel_Martin Kohlhase_Wolfram Schenck_Sebastian von Enzberg_Dumitrescu_2023, title={Towards a systematic approach for Prescriptive Analytics use cases in smart factories}, author={Weller, Julian and Nico Migenda, Nico Migenda and Rui Liu, Rui Liu and Arthur Wegel, Arthur Wegel and Martin Kohlhase, Martin Kohlhase and Wolfram Schenck, Wolfram Schenck and Sebastian von Enzberg, Sebastian von Enzberg and Dumitrescu, Roman}, year={2023} }","short":"J. Weller, N.M. Nico Migenda, R.L. Rui Liu, A.W. Arthur Wegel, M.K. Martin Kohlhase, W.S. Wolfram Schenck, S. von E. Sebastian von Enzberg, R. Dumitrescu, in: 2023.","ama":"Weller J, Nico Migenda NM, Rui Liu RL, et al. Towards a systematic approach for Prescriptive Analytics use cases in smart factories. In: ; 2023.","apa":"Weller, J., Nico Migenda, N. M., Rui Liu, R. L., Arthur Wegel, A. W., Martin Kohlhase, M. K., Wolfram Schenck, W. S., Sebastian von Enzberg, S. von E., & Dumitrescu, R. (2023). Towards a systematic approach for Prescriptive Analytics use cases in smart factories. ML4CPS – Machine Learning For Cyber-Physical Systems, Hamburg.","ieee":"J. Weller et al., “Towards a systematic approach for Prescriptive Analytics use cases in smart factories,” presented at the ML4CPS – Machine Learning For Cyber-Physical Systems, Hamburg, 2023.","chicago":"Weller, Julian, Nico Migenda Nico Migenda, Rui Liu Rui Liu, Arthur Wegel Arthur Wegel, Martin Kohlhase Martin Kohlhase, Wolfram Schenck Wolfram Schenck, Sebastian von Enzberg Sebastian von Enzberg, and Roman Dumitrescu. “Towards a Systematic Approach for Prescriptive Analytics Use Cases in Smart Factories,” 2023."},"author":[{"first_name":"Julian","full_name":"Weller, Julian","last_name":"Weller"},{"full_name":"Nico Migenda, Nico Migenda","last_name":"Nico Migenda","first_name":"Nico Migenda"},{"full_name":"Rui Liu, Rui Liu","last_name":"Rui Liu","first_name":"Rui Liu"},{"first_name":"Arthur Wegel","last_name":"Arthur Wegel","full_name":"Arthur Wegel, Arthur Wegel"},{"full_name":"Martin Kohlhase, Martin Kohlhase","last_name":"Martin Kohlhase","first_name":"Martin Kohlhase"},{"last_name":"Wolfram Schenck","full_name":"Wolfram Schenck, Wolfram Schenck","first_name":"Wolfram Schenck"},{"last_name":"Sebastian von Enzberg","full_name":"Sebastian von Enzberg, Sebastian von Enzberg","first_name":"Sebastian von Enzberg"},{"id":"16190","first_name":"Roman","last_name":"Dumitrescu","full_name":"Dumitrescu, Roman"}],"user_id":"102490","type":"conference","department":[{"_id":"563"}],"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"conference":{"end_date":"2023-03-31","location":"Hamburg","name":"ML4CPS – Machine Learning For Cyber-Physical Systems","start_date":"2023-03-29"},"title":"Towards a systematic approach for Prescriptive Analytics use cases in smart factories","year":"2023"}