{"year":"2014","author":[{"full_name":"Isidor, R","last_name":"Isidor","first_name":"R"},{"last_name":"Steinmetz","full_name":"Steinmetz, Holger","first_name":"Holger","id":"43261"},{"full_name":"Schwens, C","last_name":"Schwens","first_name":"C"},{"full_name":"Kabst, Rüdiger","last_name":"Kabst","id":"42362","first_name":"Rüdiger"}],"volume":3,"title":"Linking Transaction Cost and Social Exchange Theory to Explain Strategic Alliance Performance: A Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Model.","_id":"5462","publication":" International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances.","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"intvolume":" 3","user_id":"46632","department":[{"_id":"274"}],"type":"journal_article","status":"public","date_created":"2018-11-08T14:14:34Z","date_updated":"2022-01-06T07:01:55Z","issue":"2","citation":{"short":"R. Isidor, H. Steinmetz, C. Schwens, R. Kabst, International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances. 3 (2014).","ama":"Isidor R, Steinmetz H, Schwens C, Kabst R. Linking Transaction Cost and Social Exchange Theory to Explain Strategic Alliance Performance: A Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Model. International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances. 2014;3(2).","chicago":"Isidor, R, Holger Steinmetz, C Schwens, and Rüdiger Kabst. “Linking Transaction Cost and Social Exchange Theory to Explain Strategic Alliance Performance: A Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Model.” International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances. 3, no. 2 (2014).","bibtex":"@article{Isidor_Steinmetz_Schwens_Kabst_2014, title={Linking Transaction Cost and Social Exchange Theory to Explain Strategic Alliance Performance: A Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Model.}, volume={3}, number={2}, journal={ International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances.}, author={Isidor, R and Steinmetz, Holger and Schwens, C and Kabst, Rüdiger}, year={2014} }","ieee":"R. Isidor, H. Steinmetz, C. Schwens, and R. Kabst, “Linking Transaction Cost and Social Exchange Theory to Explain Strategic Alliance Performance: A Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Model.,” International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances., vol. 3, no. 2, 2014.","mla":"Isidor, R., et al. “Linking Transaction Cost and Social Exchange Theory to Explain Strategic Alliance Performance: A Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Model.” International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances., vol. 3, no. 2, 2014.","apa":"Isidor, R., Steinmetz, H., Schwens, C., & Kabst, R. (2014). Linking Transaction Cost and Social Exchange Theory to Explain Strategic Alliance Performance: A Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Model. International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances., 3(2)."}}