{"volume":382,"title":"Childbirth as a Metaphor for Crisis: Evidence from the Ancient Near East, the Hebrew Bible, and 1QH XI:1-18","year":"2008","user_id":"94584","type":"book","publisher":"Walter de Gruyter","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"author":[{"last_name":"Bergmann","full_name":"Bergmann, Claudia Dorit","id":"94584","first_name":"Claudia Dorit"}],"_id":"54652","citation":{"apa":"Bergmann, C. D. (2008). Childbirth as a Metaphor for Crisis: Evidence from the Ancient Near East, the Hebrew Bible, and 1QH XI:1-18 (Vol. 382). Walter de Gruyter.","chicago":"Bergmann, Claudia Dorit. Childbirth as a Metaphor for Crisis: Evidence from the Ancient Near East, the Hebrew Bible, and 1QH XI:1-18. Vol. 382. BZAW. Walter de Gruyter, 2008.","ieee":"C. D. Bergmann, Childbirth as a Metaphor for Crisis: Evidence from the Ancient Near East, the Hebrew Bible, and 1QH XI:1-18, vol. 382. Walter de Gruyter, 2008.","ama":"Bergmann CD. Childbirth as a Metaphor for Crisis: Evidence from the Ancient Near East, the Hebrew Bible, and 1QH XI:1-18. Vol 382. Walter de Gruyter; 2008.","short":"C.D. Bergmann, Childbirth as a Metaphor for Crisis: Evidence from the Ancient Near East, the Hebrew Bible, and 1QH XI:1-18, Walter de Gruyter, 2008.","mla":"Bergmann, Claudia Dorit. Childbirth as a Metaphor for Crisis: Evidence from the Ancient Near East, the Hebrew Bible, and 1QH XI:1-18. Walter de Gruyter, 2008.","bibtex":"@book{Bergmann_2008, series={BZAW}, title={Childbirth as a Metaphor for Crisis: Evidence from the Ancient Near East, the Hebrew Bible, and 1QH XI:1-18}, volume={382}, publisher={Walter de Gruyter}, author={Bergmann, Claudia Dorit}, year={2008}, collection={BZAW} }"},"intvolume":" 382","extern":"1","series_title":"BZAW","date_created":"2024-06-07T12:14:19Z","status":"public","date_updated":"2024-06-07T12:26:09Z"}