{"type":"book","date_created":"2024-07-13T04:29:12Z","status":"public","year":"2023","publisher":"De Gruyter Berlin New York","series_title":"New Studies in the History and Historiography of Philosophy","date_updated":"2024-07-15T12:03:03Z","publication_status":"published","publication_identifier":{"isbn":["983-3-11-072681-7 "]},"intvolume":" 12","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"department":[{"_id":"520"},{"_id":"813"}],"_id":"55204","user_id":"14931","place":"Berlin","volume":12,"citation":{"bibtex":"@book{Milkov_2023, place={Berlin}, series={New Studies in the History and Historiography of Philosophy}, title={Hermann Lotze’s Influence on the Twentieth Century Philosophy}, volume={12}, publisher={De Gruyter Berlin New York}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2023}, collection={New Studies in the History and Historiography of Philosophy} }","ama":"Milkov N. Hermann Lotze’s Influence on the Twentieth Century Philosophy. Vol 12. De Gruyter Berlin New York; 2023.","short":"N. Milkov, Hermann Lotze’s Influence on the Twentieth Century Philosophy, De Gruyter Berlin New York, Berlin, 2023.","apa":"Milkov, N. (2023). Hermann Lotze’s Influence on the Twentieth Century Philosophy (Vol. 12). De Gruyter Berlin New York.","ieee":"N. Milkov, Hermann Lotze’s Influence on the Twentieth Century Philosophy, vol. 12. Berlin: De Gruyter Berlin New York, 2023.","mla":"Milkov, Nikolay. Hermann Lotze’s Influence on the Twentieth Century Philosophy. De Gruyter Berlin New York, 2023.","chicago":"Milkov, Nikolay. Hermann Lotze’s Influence on the Twentieth Century Philosophy. Vol. 12. New Studies in the History and Historiography of Philosophy. Berlin: De Gruyter Berlin New York, 2023."},"author":[{"id":"357","last_name":"Milkov","full_name":"Milkov, Nikolay","first_name":"Nikolay"}],"title":"Hermann Lotze’s Influence on the Twentieth Century Philosophy"}