{"publication":"Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques","department":[{"_id":"97"},{"_id":"643"}],"date_created":"2024-09-14T08:08:22Z","title":"Symmetry as a Topic for the University Education of Pre-Service Teachers","citation":{"chicago":"Hoffmann, Max. “Symmetry as a Topic for the University Education of Pre-Service Teachers.” Recherches En Didactique Des Mathématiques, 2024.","mla":"Hoffmann, Max. “Symmetry as a Topic for the University Education of Pre-Service Teachers.” Recherches En Didactique Des Mathématiques, 2024.","bibtex":"@article{Hoffmann_2024, title={Symmetry as a Topic for the University Education of Pre-Service Teachers}, journal={Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques}, author={Hoffmann, Max}, year={2024} }","apa":"Hoffmann, M. (2024). Symmetry as a Topic for the University Education of Pre-Service Teachers. Recherches En Didactique Des Mathématiques.","ieee":"M. Hoffmann, “Symmetry as a Topic for the University Education of Pre-Service Teachers,” Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques, 2024.","short":"M. Hoffmann, Recherches En Didactique Des Mathématiques (2024).","ama":"Hoffmann M. Symmetry as a Topic for the University Education of Pre-Service Teachers. Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques. Published online 2024."},"oa":"1","user_id":"32202","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"date_updated":"2024-09-14T08:09:30Z","publication_status":"epub_ahead","author":[{"full_name":"Hoffmann, Max","orcid":"0000-0002-6964-7123","last_name":"Hoffmann","id":"32202","first_name":"Max"}],"quality_controlled":"1","article_type":"original","main_file_link":[{"open_access":"1","url":"https://hal.science/hal-04684343"}],"type":"journal_article","_id":"56131","abstract":[{"lang":"eng","text":"This article provides a comprehensive mathematical-didactic analysis of how the highly relevant topic symmetry can be prepared for the university education of PSTs. Methodologically, the analysis is embedded in a design research cycle and serves as preparation for the actual design of learning activities. The procedure of \"specifying and structuring\" learning objects is used and adapted in such a way that, in addition to mathematical aspects, profession-oriented references to school mathematics are also considered. An essential result of the analysis is the formulation of so-called interface aspects to symmetry, which prove to be helpful in establishing such references. "}],"status":"public","year":"2024"}