{"year":"2024","status":"public","abstract":[{"text":"This paper deals with micromagnetic measurements for online detection of\r\nstrain-induced α’-martensite during plastic deformation of metastable\r\naustenitic steel AISI 304L. The operating principles of the sensors are\r\nBarkhausen noise (MBN) and eddy currents (EC), which are suitable for\r\ndetection of microstructure evolution due to formation of ferromagnetic\r\nphases. Nevertheless, the description of the calibration and\r\ntransformation models of the micromagnetic measurements into\r\nquantitative α’-martensite fractions is beyond the scope of this paper.\r\nThe focus will be put on the qualification of different micromagnetic\r\nmethods as well as of different measurement systems under conditions\r\nsimilar to the real ones during production, which is crucial for\r\nimplementation of a property-controlled flow forming process. The\r\ninvestigation was carried out on tubular specimens produced by flow\r\nforming, which have different content of α’-martensite. To characterize\r\nthe sensitivity of the sensors, different contact conditions between\r\nsensors and workpieces were reproduced. MBN sensors are suitable for\r\ndetecting amount of α’-martensite, but the measurements are affected by\r\nthe surface roughness. This entails that the calibration models for MBN\r\nsensors must take account of these effects. EC sensors show a closer\r\nmatch with the amount of α’-martensite without having major affectation\r\nby other effects.","lang":"eng"}],"_id":"57189","type":"conference","author":[{"last_name":"Rozo Vasquez","first_name":"Julian ","full_name":"Rozo Vasquez, Julian "},{"full_name":"Kanagarajah, Hanigah","first_name":"Hanigah","last_name":"Kanagarajah"},{"id":"36287","first_name":"Bahman","last_name":"Arian","full_name":"Arian, Bahman"},{"full_name":"Kersting, Lukas","first_name":"Lukas","last_name":"Kersting"},{"full_name":"Homberg, Werner","last_name":"Homberg","first_name":"Werner","id":"233"},{"first_name":"Ansgar","id":"552","last_name":"Trächtler","full_name":"Trächtler, Ansgar"},{"last_name":"Walther","first_name":"Frank","full_name":"Walther, Frank"}],"quality_controlled":"1","publication_status":"published","date_updated":"2024-11-18T10:39:19Z","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"user_id":"41470","citation":{"bibtex":"@inproceedings{Rozo Vasquez_Kanagarajah_Arian_Kersting_Homberg_Trächtler_Walther_2024, title={Barkhausen noise- and eddy current-based measurements for online detection of deformation-induced martensite during flow forming of metastable austenitic steel AISI 304L}, publisher={Authorea, Inc.}, author={Rozo Vasquez, Julian and Kanagarajah, Hanigah and Arian, Bahman and Kersting, Lukas and Homberg, Werner and Trächtler, Ansgar and Walther, Frank}, year={2024} }","mla":"Rozo Vasquez, Julian, et al. Barkhausen Noise- and Eddy Current-Based Measurements for Online Detection of Deformation-Induced Martensite during Flow Forming of Metastable Austenitic Steel AISI 304L. Authorea, Inc., 2024.","chicago":"Rozo Vasquez, Julian , Hanigah Kanagarajah, Bahman Arian, Lukas Kersting, Werner Homberg, Ansgar Trächtler, and Frank Walther. “Barkhausen Noise- and Eddy Current-Based Measurements for Online Detection of Deformation-Induced Martensite during Flow Forming of Metastable Austenitic Steel AISI 304L.” Authorea, Inc., 2024.","ama":"Rozo Vasquez J, Kanagarajah H, Arian B, et al. Barkhausen noise- and eddy current-based measurements for online detection of deformation-induced martensite during flow forming of metastable austenitic steel AISI 304L. In: Authorea, Inc.; 2024.","short":"J. Rozo Vasquez, H. Kanagarajah, B. Arian, L. Kersting, W. Homberg, A. Trächtler, F. Walther, in: Authorea, Inc., 2024.","ieee":"J. Rozo Vasquez et al., “Barkhausen noise- and eddy current-based measurements for online detection of deformation-induced martensite during flow forming of metastable austenitic steel AISI 304L,” 2024.","apa":"Rozo Vasquez, J., Kanagarajah, H., Arian, B., Kersting, L., Homberg, W., Trächtler, A., & Walther, F. (2024). Barkhausen noise- and eddy current-based measurements for online detection of deformation-induced martensite during flow forming of metastable austenitic steel AISI 304L."},"title":"Barkhausen noise- and eddy current-based measurements for online detection of deformation-induced martensite during flow forming of metastable austenitic steel AISI 304L","date_created":"2024-11-18T10:22:34Z","publisher":"Authorea, Inc.","department":[{"_id":"153"},{"_id":"241"},{"_id":"156"}]}