{"conference":{"location":"Rotterdam","name":"Sognitive Science Society","start_date":"2024-07-24","end_date":"2024-07-27"},"main_file_link":[{"open_access":"1","url":"https://escholarship.org/uc/item/7dz8n8tf"}],"keyword":["explanation","gesture deixis","monitoring","understanding"],"citation":{"bibtex":"@inproceedings{Lazarov_Grimminger_2024, title={Variations in explainers’ gesture deixis in explanations related to the monitoring of explainees’ understanding}, volume={46}, booktitle={Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society}, author={Lazarov, Stefan Teodorov and Grimminger, Angela}, year={2024} }","ama":"Lazarov ST, Grimminger A. Variations in explainers’ gesture deixis in explanations related to the monitoring of explainees’ understanding. In: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Vol 46. ; 2024.","short":"S.T. Lazarov, A. Grimminger, in: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2024.","apa":"Lazarov, S. T., & Grimminger, A. (2024). Variations in explainers’ gesture deixis in explanations related to the monitoring of explainees’ understanding. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 46.","ieee":"S. T. Lazarov and A. Grimminger, “Variations in explainers’ gesture deixis in explanations related to the monitoring of explainees’ understanding,” in Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Rotterdam, 2024, vol. 46.","mla":"Lazarov, Stefan Teodorov, and Angela Grimminger. “Variations in Explainers’ Gesture Deixis in Explanations Related to the Monitoring of Explainees’ Understanding.” Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, vol. 46, 2024.","chicago":"Lazarov, Stefan Teodorov, and Angela Grimminger. “Variations in Explainers’ Gesture Deixis in Explanations Related to the Monitoring of Explainees’ Understanding.” In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Vol. 46, 2024."},"abstract":[{"lang":"eng","text":"In this study on the use of gesture deixis during explanations, a sample of 24 videorecorded dyadic interactions of a board game explanation was analyzed. The relation between the use of gesture deixis by different explainers and their interpretation of explainees' understanding was investigated. In addition, we describe explainers' intra-individual variations related to their interactions with three different explainees consecutively. While we did not find a relation between interpretations of explainees' complete understanding and a decrease in explainers' use of gesture deixis, we demonstrated that the overall use of gesture deixis is related to the process of interactional monitoring and the attendance of a different explainee."}],"department":[{"_id":"660"}],"status":"public","publication_status":"published","type":"conference","publication":"Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society","user_id":"90345","volume":46,"author":[{"orcid":"0009-0009-0892-9483","full_name":"Lazarov, Stefan Teodorov","first_name":"Stefan Teodorov","id":"90345","last_name":"Lazarov"},{"last_name":"Grimminger","id":"57578","first_name":"Angela","full_name":"Grimminger, Angela"}],"title":"Variations in explainers’ gesture deixis in explanations related to the monitoring of explainees’ understanding","intvolume":" 46","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"project":[{"name":"TRR 318 - A02: TRR 318 - Verstehensprozess einer Erklärung beobachten und auswerten (Teilprojekt A02)","_id":"112","grant_number":"438445824"}],"_id":"57204","year":"2024","oa":"1","date_updated":"2024-11-18T13:40:39Z","date_created":"2024-11-18T13:40:09Z"}