{"year":"2024","abstract":[{"text":"In our paper, we present a study in which we investigate which strategies pre-service teachers (PSTs) use to find and, if necessary, reject possible candidates for congruence theorems for quadrilaterals. This study was conducted before the PTSs attended a university geometry course. In this way, statements about learning prerequisites can be made. For the study, we analyzed group discussions of PSTs to identify typical approaches and evaluate them from a mathematical perspective. The results can be considered for the further development of courses for PSTs and generate hypotheses\r\nfor further research.","lang":"eng"}],"_id":"57895","publisher":"Escola Univerist`aria Salesiana de Sarri`a – Univ. Aut`onoma de Barcelona and INDRUM","keyword":["Teachers’ and students’ practices at university level","Transition to","across and from university mathematics","Teaching and learning of specific topics in university mathematics","Congruence","Quadrilaterals"],"editor":[{"last_name":"González-Martín","first_name":"Alejandro S.","full_name":"González-Martín, Alejandro S."},{"full_name":"Gueudet, Ghislaine","last_name":"Gueudet","first_name":"Ghislaine"},{"last_name":"Florensa","first_name":"Ignasi","full_name":"Florensa, Ignasi"},{"full_name":"Lombard, Nathan","last_name":"Lombard","first_name":"Nathan"}],"file_date_updated":"2025-01-02T10:42:21Z","author":[{"last_name":"Hoffmann","first_name":"Max","id":"32202","orcid":"0000-0002-6964-7123","full_name":"Hoffmann, Max"},{"first_name":"Sarah","last_name":"Schlüter","full_name":"Schlüter, Sarah"}],"department":[{"_id":"97"},{"_id":"643"}],"place":"Barcelona","quality_controlled":"1","user_id":"32202","has_accepted_license":"1","file":[{"success":1,"file_size":315111,"file_name":"2024_Hoffmann_Schlueter_CongruenceQuadrilaterals.pdf","creator":"maxh","file_id":"57896","date_created":"2025-01-02T10:42:21Z","access_level":"closed","content_type":"application/pdf","date_updated":"2025-01-02T10:42:21Z","relation":"main_file"}],"citation":{"bibtex":"@inproceedings{Hoffmann_Schlüter_2024, place={Barcelona}, title={How Do Advanced Pre-Service Teachers Develop Congruence Theorems for Quadrilaterals?}, booktitle={Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the International Network for Didactic Research in University Mathematics (INDRUM 2024, 10-14 June 2024)}, publisher={Escola Univerist`aria Salesiana de Sarri`a – Univ. Aut`onoma de Barcelona and INDRUM}, author={Hoffmann, Max and Schlüter, Sarah}, editor={González-Martín, Alejandro S. and Gueudet, Ghislaine and Florensa, Ignasi and Lombard, Nathan}, year={2024} }","chicago":"Hoffmann, Max, and Sarah Schlüter. “How Do Advanced Pre-Service Teachers Develop Congruence Theorems for Quadrilaterals?” In Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the International Network for Didactic Research in University Mathematics (INDRUM 2024, 10-14 June 2024), edited by Alejandro S. González-Martín, Ghislaine Gueudet, Ignasi Florensa, and Nathan Lombard. Barcelona: Escola Univerist`aria Salesiana de Sarri`a – Univ. Aut`onoma de Barcelona and INDRUM, 2024.","ama":"Hoffmann M, Schlüter S. How Do Advanced Pre-Service Teachers Develop Congruence Theorems for Quadrilaterals? In: González-Martín AS, Gueudet G, Florensa I, Lombard N, eds. Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the International Network for Didactic Research in University Mathematics (INDRUM 2024, 10-14 June 2024). Escola Univerist`aria Salesiana de Sarri`a – Univ. Aut`onoma de Barcelona and INDRUM; 2024.","apa":"Hoffmann, M., & Schlüter, S. (2024). How Do Advanced Pre-Service Teachers Develop Congruence Theorems for Quadrilaterals? In A. S. González-Martín, G. Gueudet, I. Florensa, & N. Lombard (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the International Network for Didactic Research in University Mathematics (INDRUM 2024, 10-14 June 2024). Escola Univerist`aria Salesiana de Sarri`a – Univ. Aut`onoma de Barcelona and INDRUM.","ieee":"M. Hoffmann and S. Schlüter, “How Do Advanced Pre-Service Teachers Develop Congruence Theorems for Quadrilaterals?,” in Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the International Network for Didactic Research in University Mathematics (INDRUM 2024, 10-14 June 2024), 2024.","mla":"Hoffmann, Max, and Sarah Schlüter. “How Do Advanced Pre-Service Teachers Develop Congruence Theorems for Quadrilaterals?” Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the International Network for Didactic Research in University Mathematics (INDRUM 2024, 10-14 June 2024), edited by Alejandro S. González-Martín et al., Escola Univerist`aria Salesiana de Sarri`a – Univ. Aut`onoma de Barcelona and INDRUM, 2024.","short":"M. Hoffmann, S. Schlüter, in: A.S. González-Martín, G. Gueudet, I. Florensa, N. Lombard (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the International Network for Didactic Research in University Mathematics (INDRUM 2024, 10-14 June 2024), Escola Univerist`aria Salesiana de Sarri`a – Univ. Aut`onoma de Barcelona and INDRUM, Barcelona, 2024."},"title":"How Do Advanced Pre-Service Teachers Develop Congruence Theorems for Quadrilaterals?","main_file_link":[{"open_access":"1","url":"https://indrum2024.sciencesconf.org/data/pages/Proceedings_INDRUM2024.pdf"}],"type":"conference","ddc":["370","510"],"date_updated":"2025-01-02T10:45:59Z","date_created":"2025-01-02T10:45:53Z","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"publication":"Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the International Network for Didactic Research in University Mathematics (INDRUM 2024, 10-14 June 2024)","publication_status":"published","oa":"1","status":"public"}