{"title":"Digital Media at the Out-of-school Learning Place - A Qualitative Interview Study with Prospective Science Teachers","abstract":[{"lang":"eng","text":"Children and young people grow up with a wide range of media, which they are expected to use in different settings. One possibility is the use of digital media in out-of-school learning places, which is currently being expanded. However, there has been little research into the combination of the two fields to date. This study was designed to address this research gap. The study focuses on the opinions and attitudes of prospective primary school teachers on this combination. This is of great importance as, due to current developments, prospective teachers could often find themselves in the situation of being able or having to combine the two fields. 20 prospective teachers (M =23 years, SD = 2.6) took part in the interview study. All prospective teachers have a positive attitude toward digital media. However, most of them are very critical of their use in out-of-school learning places. However, they can name some possible applications and advantages. On the other hand, there are hurdles such as technical problems or their missing skills.\r\n"}],"publisher":"International Council of Associations for Science Education","date_created":"2025-01-06T14:17:05Z","volume":35,"publication_status":"published","intvolume":" 35","page":"421-428","publication_identifier":{"issn":["2077-2327"]},"author":[{"first_name":"Annkathrin","last_name":"Wenzel","full_name":"Wenzel, Annkathrin"},{"full_name":"Blumberg, Eva","last_name":"Blumberg","orcid":"0009-0004-1651-541X","id":"37549","first_name":"Eva"}],"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"year":"2024","doi":"10.33828/sei.v35.i4.12","_id":"58058","type":"journal_article","publication":"Science Education International","issue":"4","citation":{"mla":"Wenzel, Annkathrin, and Eva Blumberg. “Digital Media at the Out-of-School Learning Place - A Qualitative Interview Study with Prospective Science Teachers.” Science Education International, vol. 35, no. 4, International Council of Associations for Science Education, 2024, pp. 421–28, doi:10.33828/sei.v35.i4.12.","chicago":"Wenzel, Annkathrin, and Eva Blumberg. “Digital Media at the Out-of-School Learning Place - A Qualitative Interview Study with Prospective Science Teachers.” Science Education International 35, no. 4 (2024): 421–28. https://doi.org/10.33828/sei.v35.i4.12.","apa":"Wenzel, A., & Blumberg, E. (2024). Digital Media at the Out-of-school Learning Place - A Qualitative Interview Study with Prospective Science Teachers. Science Education International, 35(4), 421–428. https://doi.org/10.33828/sei.v35.i4.12","short":"A. Wenzel, E. Blumberg, Science Education International 35 (2024) 421–428.","ieee":"A. Wenzel and E. Blumberg, “Digital Media at the Out-of-school Learning Place - A Qualitative Interview Study with Prospective Science Teachers,” Science Education International, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 421–428, 2024, doi: 10.33828/sei.v35.i4.12.","ama":"Wenzel A, Blumberg E. Digital Media at the Out-of-school Learning Place - A Qualitative Interview Study with Prospective Science Teachers. Science Education International. 2024;35(4):421-428. doi:10.33828/sei.v35.i4.12","bibtex":"@article{Wenzel_Blumberg_2024, title={Digital Media at the Out-of-school Learning Place - A Qualitative Interview Study with Prospective Science Teachers}, volume={35}, DOI={10.33828/sei.v35.i4.12}, number={4}, journal={Science Education International}, publisher={International Council of Associations for Science Education}, author={Wenzel, Annkathrin and Blumberg, Eva}, year={2024}, pages={421–428} }"},"date_updated":"2025-01-07T08:38:23Z","status":"public","user_id":"37549"}