{"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"type":"journal_article","volume":6,"user_id":"56558","citation":{"mla":"Intveen, Julie. “Buzzing Progress or Dangerous Path? Exploring Ethics of Technology and Environmentalism in ‘Black Mirror’s’ Hated in the Nation.” MEIN FACH - Englisch Sek II, vol. 6, Bergmoser + Höller, 2024, pp. 1–5.","ama":"Intveen J. Buzzing Progress or Dangerous Path? Exploring Ethics of technology and environmentalism in “Black Mirror’s” Hated in the Nation. MEIN FACH - Englisch Sek II. 2024;6:1-5.","short":"J. Intveen, MEIN FACH - Englisch Sek II 6 (2024) 1–5.","ieee":"J. Intveen, “Buzzing Progress or Dangerous Path? Exploring Ethics of technology and environmentalism in ‘Black Mirror’s’ Hated in the Nation,” MEIN FACH - Englisch Sek II, vol. 6, pp. 1–5, 2024.","chicago":"Intveen, Julie. “Buzzing Progress or Dangerous Path? Exploring Ethics of Technology and Environmentalism in ‘Black Mirror’s’ Hated in the Nation.” MEIN FACH - Englisch Sek II 6 (2024): 1–5.","apa":"Intveen, J. (2024). Buzzing Progress or Dangerous Path? Exploring Ethics of technology and environmentalism in “Black Mirror’s” Hated in the Nation. MEIN FACH - Englisch Sek II, 6, 1–5.","bibtex":"@article{Intveen_2024, title={Buzzing Progress or Dangerous Path? Exploring Ethics of technology and environmentalism in “Black Mirror’s” Hated in the Nation}, volume={6}, journal={MEIN FACH - Englisch Sek II}, publisher={Bergmoser + Höller}, author={Intveen, Julie}, year={2024}, pages={1–5} }"},"publisher":"Bergmoser + Höller","publication_status":"published","intvolume":" 6","date_updated":"2025-01-14T14:58:27Z","author":[{"last_name":"Intveen","first_name":"Julie","full_name":"Intveen, Julie","id":"56558"}],"status":"public","title":"Buzzing Progress or Dangerous Path? Exploring Ethics of technology and environmentalism in \"Black Mirror's\" Hated in the Nation","year":"2024","_id":"58179","date_created":"2025-01-14T14:58:22Z","publication":"MEIN FACH - Englisch Sek II","publication_identifier":{"issn":["2941-6868"]},"page":"1-5"}