{"doi":"10.4171/owr/2023/42","publisher":"European Mathematical Society - EMS - Publishing House GmbH","citation":{"ama":"Seguin BF. Covers of ℙ1 and their moduli: where arithmetic, geometry and combinatorics meet. In: MFO–RIMS Tandem Workshop: Arithmetic Homotopy and Galois Theory. Vol 20. Oberwolfach Reports. European Mathematical Society - EMS - Publishing House GmbH; 2024:2377-2488. doi:10.4171/owr/2023/42","mla":"Seguin, Beranger Fabrice. “Covers of ℙ1 and Their Moduli: Where Arithmetic, Geometry and Combinatorics Meet.” MFO–RIMS Tandem Workshop: Arithmetic Homotopy and Galois Theory, vol. 20, no. 3, European Mathematical Society - EMS - Publishing House GmbH, 2024, pp. 2377–488, doi:10.4171/owr/2023/42.","chicago":"Seguin, Beranger Fabrice. “Covers of ℙ1 and Their Moduli: Where Arithmetic, Geometry and Combinatorics Meet.” In MFO–RIMS Tandem Workshop: Arithmetic Homotopy and Galois Theory, 20:2377–2488. Oberwolfach Reports. European Mathematical Society - EMS - Publishing House GmbH, 2024. https://doi.org/10.4171/owr/2023/42.","short":"B.F. Seguin, in: MFO–RIMS Tandem Workshop: Arithmetic Homotopy and Galois Theory, European Mathematical Society - EMS - Publishing House GmbH, 2024, pp. 2377–2488.","bibtex":"@inproceedings{Seguin_2024, series={Oberwolfach Reports}, title={Covers of ℙ1 and their moduli: where arithmetic, geometry and combinatorics meet}, volume={20}, DOI={10.4171/owr/2023/42}, number={3}, booktitle={MFO–RIMS Tandem Workshop: Arithmetic Homotopy and Galois Theory}, publisher={European Mathematical Society - EMS - Publishing House GmbH}, author={Seguin, Beranger Fabrice}, year={2024}, pages={2377–2488}, collection={Oberwolfach Reports} }","ieee":"B. F. Seguin, “Covers of ℙ1 and their moduli: where arithmetic, geometry and combinatorics meet,” in MFO–RIMS Tandem Workshop: Arithmetic Homotopy and Galois Theory, 2024, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 2377–2488, doi: 10.4171/owr/2023/42.","apa":"Seguin, B. F. (2024). Covers of ℙ1 and their moduli: where arithmetic, geometry and combinatorics meet. MFO–RIMS Tandem Workshop: Arithmetic Homotopy and Galois Theory, 20(3), 2377–2488. https://doi.org/10.4171/owr/2023/42"},"volume":20,"user_id":"102487","author":[{"last_name":"Seguin","first_name":"Beranger Fabrice","full_name":"Seguin, Beranger Fabrice","id":"102487"}],"intvolume":" 20","date_updated":"2025-01-15T11:28:57Z","publication_status":"published","series_title":"Oberwolfach Reports","issue":"3","type":"conference_abstract","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"_id":"58183","publication_identifier":{"issn":["1660-8933","1660-8941"]},"main_file_link":[{"url":"https://beranger-seguin.fr/assets/pdf/abstract_mfo.pdf"}],"publication":"MFO–RIMS Tandem Workshop: Arithmetic Homotopy and Galois Theory","page":"2377-2488","date_created":"2025-01-15T10:59:41Z","title":"Covers of ℙ¹ and their moduli: where arithmetic, geometry and combinatorics meet","year":"2024","status":"public"}