{"volume":9,"type":"journal_article","title":"Theory of Multimode Squeezed Light Generation in Lossy Media","citation":{"ama":"Kopylov DA, Meier T, Sharapova PR. Theory of Multimode Squeezed Light Generation in Lossy Media. Quantum. 2025;9. doi:10.22331/q-2025-02-04-1621","bibtex":"@article{Kopylov_Meier_Sharapova_2025, title={Theory of Multimode Squeezed Light Generation in Lossy Media}, volume={9}, DOI={10.22331/q-2025-02-04-1621}, number={1621}, journal={Quantum}, publisher={Verein zur Forderung des Open Access Publizierens in den Quantenwissenschaften}, author={Kopylov, Denis A. and Meier, Torsten and Sharapova, Polina R.}, year={2025} }","apa":"Kopylov, D. A., Meier, T., & Sharapova, P. R. (2025). Theory of Multimode Squeezed Light Generation in Lossy Media. Quantum, 9, Article 1621. https://doi.org/10.22331/q-2025-02-04-1621","ieee":"D. A. Kopylov, T. Meier, and P. R. Sharapova, “Theory of Multimode Squeezed Light Generation in Lossy Media,” Quantum, vol. 9, Art. no. 1621, 2025, doi: 10.22331/q-2025-02-04-1621.","chicago":"Kopylov, Denis A., Torsten Meier, and Polina R. Sharapova. “Theory of Multimode Squeezed Light Generation in Lossy Media.” Quantum 9 (2025). https://doi.org/10.22331/q-2025-02-04-1621.","mla":"Kopylov, Denis A., et al. “Theory of Multimode Squeezed Light Generation in Lossy Media.” Quantum, vol. 9, 1621, Verein zur Forderung des Open Access Publizierens in den Quantenwissenschaften, 2025, doi:10.22331/q-2025-02-04-1621.","short":"D.A. Kopylov, T. Meier, P.R. Sharapova, Quantum 9 (2025)."},"user_id":"16199","intvolume":" 9","status":"public","doi":"10.22331/q-2025-02-04-1621","publication":"Quantum","publication_status":"published","date_created":"2025-02-05T12:57:37Z","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"date_updated":"2025-02-05T13:01:59Z","abstract":[{"text":"A unified theoretical approach to describe the properties of multimode squeezed light generated in a lossy medium is presented. This approach is valid for Markovian environments and includes both a model of discrete losses based on the beamsplitter approach and a generalized continuous loss model based on the spatial Langevin equation. For an important class of Gaussian states, we derive master equations for the second-order correlation functions and illustrate their solution for both frequency-independent and frequency-dependent losses. Studying the mode structure, we demonstrate that in a lossy environment no broadband basis without quadrature correlations between the different broadband modes exists. Therefore, various techniques and strategies to introduce broadband modes can be considered. We show that the Mercer expansion and the Williamson-Euler decomposition do not provide modes in which the maximal squeezing contained in the system can be measured. In turn, we find a new broadband basis that maximizes squeezing in the lossy system and present an algorithm to construct it.","lang":"eng"}],"_id":"58519","publisher":"Verein zur Forderung des Open Access Publizierens in den Quantenwissenschaften","year":"2025","publication_identifier":{"issn":["2521-327X"]},"project":[{"_id":"266","grant_number":"PROFILNRW-2020-067","name":"PhoQC: PhoQC: Photonisches Quantencomputing"}],"article_number":"1621","author":[{"full_name":"Kopylov, Denis A.","first_name":"Denis A.","last_name":"Kopylov"},{"last_name":"Meier","first_name":"Torsten","full_name":"Meier, Torsten","id":"344","orcid":"0000-0001-8864-2072"},{"id":"60286","full_name":"Sharapova, Polina R.","last_name":"Sharapova","first_name":"Polina R."}],"department":[{"_id":"15"},{"_id":"569"},{"_id":"170"},{"_id":"293"},{"_id":"35"},{"_id":"230"},{"_id":"623"}]}