{"issue":"1","author":[{"last_name":"Heuvelmans","first_name":"Pieter","full_name":"Heuvelmans, Pieter"},{"first_name":"Stefano","last_name":"Di Paolo","full_name":"Di Paolo, Stefano"},{"last_name":"Benjaminse","first_name":"Anne","full_name":"Benjaminse, Anne"},{"first_name":"Laura","last_name":"Bragonzoni","full_name":"Bragonzoni, Laura"},{"full_name":"Gokeler, Alli","last_name":"Gokeler","first_name":"Alli"}],"department":[{"_id":"172"}],"publication_identifier":{"issn":["0031-5125","1558-688X"]},"year":"2023","page":"161-176","_id":"58703","publisher":"SAGE Publications","abstract":[{"text":" Individual performance in team sports is a multifactorial reflection of how well a player can cope and accomplish tasks in varied playing situations. Thus, performance analysis should not only focus on outcomes, but also on underlying mechanisms of those outcomes. We adopted principles of the ecological dynamics approach (EDA) to investigate the effect of introducing constraints on players’ joint coordination responses for a football-specific performance drill outcome. Seventeen talented youth football (soccer) players performed a football-specific drill under different conditions: basic constraints, additional defender dummies, stroboscopic glasses, and a combination of the latter two constraints. We recorded these players’ execution time, passing accuracy, and lower extremity joint kinematics. We calculated joint coordination for hip-knee, knee-ankle, and trunk-hip couplings. The added constraints negatively affected execution time and passing accuracy, and caused changes in joint coordination. Furthermore, we identified a relationship between execution time and joint coordination. This study serves as an example how the EDA can be adopted to investigate mechanisms that underlie individual performance in team sports. ","lang":"eng"}],"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"date_created":"2025-02-18T15:00:57Z","date_updated":"2025-02-18T15:01:13Z","intvolume":" 131","status":"public","publication":"Perceptual and Motor Skills","publication_status":"published","doi":"10.1177/00315125231213124","citation":{"mla":"Heuvelmans, Pieter, et al. “Relationships Between Task Constraints, Visual Constraints, Joint Coordination and Football-Specific Performance in Talented Youth Athletes: An Ecological Dynamics Approach.” Perceptual and Motor Skills, vol. 131, no. 1, SAGE Publications, 2023, pp. 161–76, doi:10.1177/00315125231213124.","ieee":"P. Heuvelmans, S. Di Paolo, A. Benjaminse, L. Bragonzoni, and A. Gokeler, “Relationships Between Task Constraints, Visual Constraints, Joint Coordination and Football-Specific Performance in Talented Youth Athletes: An Ecological Dynamics Approach,” Perceptual and Motor Skills, vol. 131, no. 1, pp. 161–176, 2023, doi: 10.1177/00315125231213124.","short":"P. Heuvelmans, S. Di Paolo, A. Benjaminse, L. Bragonzoni, A. Gokeler, Perceptual and Motor Skills 131 (2023) 161–176.","ama":"Heuvelmans P, Di Paolo S, Benjaminse A, Bragonzoni L, Gokeler A. Relationships Between Task Constraints, Visual Constraints, Joint Coordination and Football-Specific Performance in Talented Youth Athletes: An Ecological Dynamics Approach. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 2023;131(1):161-176. doi:10.1177/00315125231213124","apa":"Heuvelmans, P., Di Paolo, S., Benjaminse, A., Bragonzoni, L., & Gokeler, A. (2023). Relationships Between Task Constraints, Visual Constraints, Joint Coordination and Football-Specific Performance in Talented Youth Athletes: An Ecological Dynamics Approach. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 131(1), 161–176. https://doi.org/10.1177/00315125231213124","chicago":"Heuvelmans, Pieter, Stefano Di Paolo, Anne Benjaminse, Laura Bragonzoni, and Alli Gokeler. “Relationships Between Task Constraints, Visual Constraints, Joint Coordination and Football-Specific Performance in Talented Youth Athletes: An Ecological Dynamics Approach.” Perceptual and Motor Skills 131, no. 1 (2023): 161–76. https://doi.org/10.1177/00315125231213124.","bibtex":"@article{Heuvelmans_Di Paolo_Benjaminse_Bragonzoni_Gokeler_2023, title={Relationships Between Task Constraints, Visual Constraints, Joint Coordination and Football-Specific Performance in Talented Youth Athletes: An Ecological Dynamics Approach}, volume={131}, DOI={10.1177/00315125231213124}, number={1}, journal={Perceptual and Motor Skills}, publisher={SAGE Publications}, author={Heuvelmans, Pieter and Di Paolo, Stefano and Benjaminse, Anne and Bragonzoni, Laura and Gokeler, Alli}, year={2023}, pages={161–176} }"},"user_id":"46","volume":131,"type":"journal_article","title":"Relationships Between Task Constraints, Visual Constraints, Joint Coordination and Football-Specific Performance in Talented Youth Athletes: An Ecological Dynamics Approach"}