{"user_id":"357","edition":"1","series_title":"Value Inquiry Book Series","citation":{"mla":"Milkov, Nikolay. “Bertrand Russell’s Religion without God.” The Philosophy of Spirituality: Analytic, Continental and Multicultural Approaches to a New Field of Philosophy, edited by Heather Salazar and Roderick Nicholls, 1st ed., vol. 322, Brill, 2018, pp. 250–272, doi:10.1163/9789004376311_015.","ieee":"N. Milkov, “Bertrand Russell’s Religion without God,” in The Philosophy of Spirituality: Analytic, Continental and Multicultural Approaches to a New Field of Philosophy, 1st ed., vol. 322, Heather Salazar and R. Nicholls, Eds. Leiden: Brill, 2018, pp. 250–272.","short":"N. Milkov, in: Heather Salazar , R. Nicholls (Eds.), The Philosophy of Spirituality: Analytic, Continental and Multicultural Approaches to a New Field of Philosophy, 1st ed., Brill, Leiden, 2018, pp. 250–272.","ama":"Milkov N. Bertrand Russell’s Religion without God. In: Salazar Heather , Nicholls R, eds. The Philosophy of Spirituality: Analytic, Continental and Multicultural Approaches to a New Field of Philosophy. Vol 322. 1st ed. Value Inquiry Book Series. Brill; 2018:250–272. doi:10.1163/9789004376311_015","apa":"Milkov, N. (2018). Bertrand Russell’s Religion without God. In Heather Salazar & R. Nicholls (Eds.), The Philosophy of Spirituality: Analytic, Continental and Multicultural Approaches to a New Field of Philosophy (1st ed., Vol. 322, pp. 250–272). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004376311_015","chicago":"Milkov, Nikolay. “Bertrand Russell’s Religion without God.” In The Philosophy of Spirituality: Analytic, Continental and Multicultural Approaches to a New Field of Philosophy, edited by Heather Salazar and Roderick Nicholls, 1st ed., 322:250–272. Value Inquiry Book Series. Leiden: Brill, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004376311_015.","bibtex":"@inbook{Milkov_2018, place={Leiden}, edition={1}, series={Value Inquiry Book Series}, title={Bertrand Russell’s Religion without God}, volume={322}, DOI={10.1163/9789004376311_015}, booktitle={The Philosophy of Spirituality: Analytic, Continental and Multicultural Approaches to a New Field of Philosophy}, publisher={Brill}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Salazar , Heather and Nicholls, Roderick }, year={2018}, pages={250–272}, collection={Value Inquiry Book Series} }"},"title":"Bertrand Russell’s Religion without God","volume":322,"type":"book_chapter","date_updated":"2025-02-28T15:53:43Z","date_created":"2025-02-28T15:53:37Z","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"doi":"10.1163/9789004376311_015","publication":"The Philosophy of Spirituality: Analytic, Continental and Multicultural Approaches to a New Field of Philosophy","publication_status":"published","intvolume":" 322","status":"public","year":"2018","publication_identifier":{"isbn":["978-90-04-37629-8"],"unknown":["978-90-04-37631-1"]},"_id":"58876","publisher":"Brill","editor":[{"full_name":"Salazar , Heather ","last_name":"Salazar ","first_name":" Heather "},{"full_name":"Nicholls, Roderick ","first_name":"Roderick ","last_name":"Nicholls"}],"page":"250–272","author":[{"full_name":"Milkov, Nikolay","id":"357","last_name":"Milkov","first_name":"Nikolay"}],"department":[{"_id":"14"}],"place":"Leiden"}