{"title":"Simple and effective methods to match photovoltaic power generation to the grid load profile for a PV based energy system.","year":"2018","author":[{"full_name":"Krauter, Stefan","last_name":"Krauter","orcid":"0000-0002-3594-260X","id":"28836","first_name":"Stefan"}],"volume":159,"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"publication":"Solar Energy","_id":"6525","user_id":"16148","intvolume":" 159","department":[{"_id":"53"}],"date_created":"2019-01-09T09:14:37Z","status":"public","type":"journal_article","page":"768–776","citation":{"bibtex":"@article{Krauter_2018, title={Simple and effective methods to match photovoltaic power generation to the grid load profile for a PV based energy system.}, volume={159}, journal={Solar Energy}, author={Krauter, Stefan}, year={2018}, pages={768–776} }","ieee":"S. Krauter, “Simple and effective methods to match photovoltaic power generation to the grid load profile for a PV based energy system.,” Solar Energy, vol. 159, pp. 768–776, 2018.","mla":"Krauter, Stefan. “Simple and Effective Methods to Match Photovoltaic Power Generation to the Grid Load Profile for a PV Based Energy System.” Solar Energy, vol. 159, 2018, pp. 768–776.","apa":"Krauter, S. (2018). Simple and effective methods to match photovoltaic power generation to the grid load profile for a PV based energy system. Solar Energy, 159, 768–776.","chicago":"Krauter, Stefan. “Simple and Effective Methods to Match Photovoltaic Power Generation to the Grid Load Profile for a PV Based Energy System.” Solar Energy 159 (2018): 768–776.","short":"S. Krauter, Solar Energy 159 (2018) 768–776.","ama":"Krauter S. Simple and effective methods to match photovoltaic power generation to the grid load profile for a PV based energy system. Solar Energy. 2018;159:768–776."},"date_updated":"2022-01-06T07:03:10Z"}