{"keyword":["Infrared and far-infrared lasers","Ultrafast lasers","Nonlinear optics","parametric processes","Parametric oscillators and amplifiers","Femtosecond pulses","Fiber lasers","Fused silica","Laser systems","Photonic crystal fibers","Pulse propagation"],"type":"journal_article","publisher":"OSA","citation":{"chicago":"Mundry, J., J. Lohrenz, and M. Betz. “Tunable Femtosecond Near-IR Source by Pumping an OPA Directly with a 90 MHz Yb:Fiber Source.” Applied Optics 56, no. 11 (2017): 3104–8. https://doi.org/10.1364/AO.56.003104.","mla":"Mundry, J., et al. “Tunable Femtosecond Near-IR Source by Pumping an OPA Directly with a 90 MHz Yb:Fiber Source.” Applied Optics, vol. 56, no. 11, OSA, 2017, pp. 3104–08, doi:10.1364/AO.56.003104.","apa":"Mundry, J., Lohrenz, J., & Betz, M. (2017). Tunable femtosecond near-IR source by pumping an OPA directly with a 90 MHz Yb:fiber source. Applied Optics, 56(11), 3104–3108. https://doi.org/10.1364/AO.56.003104","short":"J. Mundry, J. Lohrenz, M. Betz, Applied Optics 56 (2017) 3104–3108.","ama":"Mundry J, Lohrenz J, Betz M. Tunable femtosecond near-IR source by pumping an OPA directly with a 90 MHz Yb:fiber source. Applied Optics. 2017;56(11):3104-3108. doi:10.1364/AO.56.003104","ieee":"J. Mundry, J. Lohrenz, and M. Betz, “Tunable femtosecond near-IR source by pumping an OPA directly with a 90 MHz Yb:fiber source,” Applied Optics, vol. 56, no. 11, pp. 3104–3108, 2017.","bibtex":"@article{Mundry_Lohrenz_Betz_2017, title={Tunable femtosecond near-IR source by pumping an OPA directly with a 90 MHz Yb:fiber source}, volume={56}, DOI={10.1364/AO.56.003104}, number={11}, journal={Applied Optics}, publisher={OSA}, author={Mundry, J. and Lohrenz, J. and Betz, M.}, year={2017}, pages={3104–3108} }"},"user_id":"49428","year":"2017","article_type":"original","status":"public","_id":"6543","publication":"Applied Optics","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"page":"3104-3108","department":[{"_id":"230"}],"volume":56,"project":[{"name":"TRR 142","_id":"53"},{"name":"TRR 142 - Project Area A","_id":"54"},{"name":"TRR 142 - Subproject A1","_id":"58"}],"author":[{"first_name":"J.","full_name":"Mundry, J.","last_name":"Mundry"},{"first_name":"J.","last_name":"Lohrenz","full_name":"Lohrenz, J."},{"first_name":"M.","full_name":"Betz, M.","last_name":"Betz"}],"doi":"10.1364/AO.56.003104","date_created":"2019-01-09T10:06:44Z","abstract":[{"lang":"eng","text":"Up to 400 mW of near-IR (1370-1500 nm) femtosecond pulses are generated from an optical parametric amplifier directly driven by a Yb:fiber oscillator delivering 100\\&\\#x00A0;fs pulses at 1036 nm. The process is seeded by a stable supercontinuum obtained from a photonic crystal fiber. We use a single pass through a 3 mm, magnesium oxide-doped, periodically poled LiNbO3 downconversion crystal to produce a near-IR pulse train with a remarkable power stability of 1.4 % (RMS) during one hour. Tuning is achieved by the temperature and the poling period of the nonlinear crystal."}],"title":"Tunable femtosecond near-IR source by pumping an OPA directly with a 90 MHz Yb:fiber source","date_updated":"2022-01-06T07:03:11Z","issue":"11","intvolume":" 56"}