{"series_title":"LNCS","user_id":"52534","type":"book_chapter","date_updated":"2022-01-06T07:03:39Z","doi":"http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/3-540-45711-9_12","place":"Berlin/Heidelberg","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"abstract":[{"lang":"eng","text":"The notion of processes for low-level Petri nets based on occurrence nets is well known and it represents the basis for the study of the non-sequential behavior of Petri nets. Processes for high-level nets N are often defined as processes of the low level net Flat(N) which is obtained from N via a construction called flattening. In this paper we define high-level processes for high-level nets based on a suitable notion of high-level occurrence nets. The flattening of a high-level occurrence net is in general not a low-level occurrence net, due to so called assignment conflicts in the high-level net. The main technical result is a syntactical characterization of assignment conflicts. But the main focus of this paper is a conceptual discussion of future perspectives of high-level net processes including concurrency and data type aspects. Specifically, in the second part of the paper, we discuss possible extensions of high-level net processes, which are formally introduced for algebraic high-level nets in the first part of this paper. Of special interest are high-level processes with data type behavior, amalgamation, and other kinds of constructions, which are essential aspects for a proposed component concept for high-level nets."}],"author":[{"full_name":"Ehrig, Hartmut","first_name":"Hartmut","last_name":"Ehrig"},{"last_name":"Hoffmann","first_name":"Kathrin","full_name":"Hoffmann, Kathrin"},{"full_name":"Padberg, Julia","first_name":"Julia","last_name":"Padberg"},{"first_name":"Paolo","last_name":"Baldan","full_name":"Baldan, Paolo"},{"full_name":"Heckel, Reiko","last_name":"Heckel","first_name":"Reiko"}],"citation":{"ieee":"H. Ehrig, K. Hoffmann, J. Padberg, P. Baldan, and R. Heckel, “High-Level Net Processes,” in Formal and Natural Computing: Essays Dedicated to Grzegorz Rozenberg, vol. 2300, W. Brauer, H. Ehrig, J. Karhumäki, and A. Salomaa , Eds. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer, 2002, pp. 191–219.","short":"H. Ehrig, K. Hoffmann, J. Padberg, P. Baldan, R. Heckel, in: W. Brauer, H. Ehrig, J. Karhumäki, A. Salomaa (Eds.), Formal and Natural Computing: Essays Dedicated to Grzegorz Rozenberg, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2002, pp. 191–219.","bibtex":"@inbook{Ehrig_Hoffmann_Padberg_Baldan_Heckel_2002, place={Berlin/Heidelberg}, series={LNCS}, title={High-Level Net Processes}, volume={2300}, DOI={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/3-540-45711-9_12}, booktitle={Formal and Natural Computing: Essays Dedicated to Grzegorz Rozenberg}, publisher={Springer}, author={Ehrig, Hartmut and Hoffmann, Kathrin and Padberg, Julia and Baldan, Paolo and Heckel, Reiko}, editor={ Brauer, W. and Ehrig, H. and Karhumäki, J. and Salomaa , A. Editors}, year={2002}, pages={191–219}, collection={LNCS} }","chicago":"Ehrig, Hartmut, Kathrin Hoffmann, Julia Padberg, Paolo Baldan, and Reiko Heckel. “High-Level Net Processes.” In Formal and Natural Computing: Essays Dedicated to Grzegorz Rozenberg, edited by W. Brauer, H. Ehrig, J. Karhumäki, and A. Salomaa , 2300:191–219. LNCS. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer, 2002. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/3-540-45711-9_12.","mla":"Ehrig, Hartmut, et al. “High-Level Net Processes.” Formal and Natural Computing: Essays Dedicated to Grzegorz Rozenberg, edited by W. Brauer et al., vol. 2300, Springer, 2002, pp. 191–219, doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/3-540-45711-9_12.","apa":"Ehrig, H., Hoffmann, K., Padberg, J., Baldan, P., & Heckel, R. (2002). High-Level Net Processes. In W. Brauer, H. Ehrig, J. Karhumäki, & A. Salomaa (Eds.), Formal and Natural Computing: Essays Dedicated to Grzegorz Rozenberg (Vol. 2300, pp. 191–219). Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/3-540-45711-9_12","ama":"Ehrig H, Hoffmann K, Padberg J, Baldan P, Heckel R. High-Level Net Processes. In: Brauer W, Ehrig H, Karhumäki J, Salomaa A, eds. Formal and Natural Computing: Essays Dedicated to Grzegorz Rozenberg. Vol 2300. LNCS. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer; 2002:191-219. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/3-540-45711-9_12"},"publisher":"Springer","publication":"Formal and Natural Computing: Essays Dedicated to Grzegorz Rozenberg","_id":"7527","editor":[{"full_name":" Brauer, W.","last_name":" Brauer","first_name":"W."},{"last_name":" Ehrig","first_name":"H.","full_name":" Ehrig, H."},{"last_name":"Karhumäki","first_name":"J.","full_name":"Karhumäki, J."},{"last_name":"Salomaa ","first_name":"A. ","full_name":"Salomaa , A. "}],"status":"public","volume":2300,"title":"High-Level Net Processes","intvolume":" 2300","department":[{"_id":"66"}],"page":"191-219","year":"2002","date_created":"2019-02-05T11:54:53Z"}