{"year":"2016","_id":"7758","citation":{"bibtex":"@book{Van Gorp_Engels_2016, title={Theory and Practice of Model Transformations - 9th International Conference ICMT 2016, Held as Part of STAF 2016, Vienna, Austria, July 4-5, 2016, Proceedings}, volume={9765}, publisher={Springer}, year={2016} }","ieee":"P. Van Gorp and G. Engels, Eds., Theory and Practice of Model Transformations - 9th International Conference ICMT 2016, Held as Part of STAF 2016, Vienna, Austria, July 4-5, 2016, Proceedings, vol. 9765. Springer, 2016.","mla":"Van Gorp, Pieter, and Gregor Engels, editors. Theory and Practice of Model Transformations - 9th International Conference ICMT 2016, Held as Part of STAF 2016, Vienna, Austria, July 4-5, 2016, Proceedings. Vol. 9765, Springer, 2016.","apa":"Van Gorp, P., & Engels, G. (Eds.). (2016). Theory and Practice of Model Transformations - 9th International Conference ICMT 2016, Held as Part of STAF 2016, Vienna, Austria, July 4-5, 2016, Proceedings (Vol. 9765). Springer.","ama":"Van Gorp P, Engels G, eds. Theory and Practice of Model Transformations - 9th International Conference ICMT 2016, Held as Part of STAF 2016, Vienna, Austria, July 4-5, 2016, Proceedings. Vol 9765. Springer; 2016.","short":"P. Van Gorp, G. Engels, eds., Theory and Practice of Model Transformations - 9th International Conference ICMT 2016, Held as Part of STAF 2016, Vienna, Austria, July 4-5, 2016, Proceedings, Springer, 2016.","chicago":"Van Gorp, Pieter, and Gregor Engels, eds. Theory and Practice of Model Transformations - 9th International Conference ICMT 2016, Held as Part of STAF 2016, Vienna, Austria, July 4-5, 2016, Proceedings. Vol. 9765. Springer, 2016."},"volume":9765,"status":"public","title":"Theory and Practice of Model Transformations - 9th International Conference ICMT 2016, Held as Part of STAF 2016, Vienna, Austria, July 4-5, 2016, Proceedings","publisher":"Springer","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"user_id":"52534","department":[{"_id":"66"}],"intvolume":" 9765","date_created":"2019-02-19T11:54:25Z","type":"conference_editor","date_updated":"2022-01-06T07:03:45Z","editor":[{"first_name":"Pieter","full_name":"Van Gorp, Pieter","last_name":"Van Gorp"},{"full_name":"Engels, Gregor","id":"107","first_name":"Gregor","last_name":"Engels"}]}