{"publisher":"Springer","title":"Teaching UML Is Teaching Software Engineering Is Teaching Abstraction","status":"public","author":[{"last_name":"Engels","first_name":"Gregor","id":"107","full_name":"Engels, Gregor"},{"first_name":"Jan","full_name":"Hendrik Hausmann, Jan","last_name":"Hendrik Hausmann"},{"full_name":"Lohmann, Marc","first_name":"Marc","last_name":"Lohmann"},{"last_name":"Sauer","full_name":"Sauer, Stefan","id":"447","first_name":"Stefan"}],"user_id":"52534","department":[{"_id":"66"}],"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"date_created":"2019-02-21T11:44:20Z","type":"conference","date_updated":"2022-01-06T07:03:48Z","year":"2006","_id":"7953","publication":"Proceedings of the Satellite Events at the MoDELS 2005 Conference, Montego Bay (Jamaica)","abstract":[{"text":"As the Unified Modeling Language (UML) has by now seen widespread and successful use in the software industry and academia alike, it has also found its way into many computer science curricula. An outstanding advantage of teaching UML is that it enables an illustration of many crucial concepts of software engineering, far beyond its concrete notation. Most important among these concepts is that of abstraction. We present a course design which demonstrates the use of UML as a vehicle for teaching such core concepts of software engineering. Multimedia elements and tools help to efficiently convey the courses message to the students.","lang":"eng"}],"page":"306-319","series_title":"LNCS","citation":{"bibtex":"@inproceedings{Engels_Hendrik Hausmann_Lohmann_Sauer_2006, place={Berlin/Heidelberg}, series={LNCS}, title={Teaching UML Is Teaching Software Engineering Is Teaching Abstraction}, volume={3844 / 2006}, booktitle={Proceedings of the Satellite Events at the MoDELS 2005 Conference, Montego Bay (Jamaica)}, publisher={Springer}, author={Engels, Gregor and Hendrik Hausmann, Jan and Lohmann, Marc and Sauer, Stefan}, year={2006}, pages={306–319}, collection={LNCS} }","chicago":"Engels, Gregor, Jan Hendrik Hausmann, Marc Lohmann, and Stefan Sauer. “Teaching UML Is Teaching Software Engineering Is Teaching Abstraction.” In Proceedings of the Satellite Events at the MoDELS 2005 Conference, Montego Bay (Jamaica), 3844 / 2006:306–19. LNCS. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer, 2006.","short":"G. Engels, J. Hendrik Hausmann, M. Lohmann, S. Sauer, in: Proceedings of the Satellite Events at the MoDELS 2005 Conference, Montego Bay (Jamaica), Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2006, pp. 306–319.","mla":"Engels, Gregor, et al. “Teaching UML Is Teaching Software Engineering Is Teaching Abstraction.” Proceedings of the Satellite Events at the MoDELS 2005 Conference, Montego Bay (Jamaica), vol. 3844 / 2006, Springer, 2006, pp. 306–19.","apa":"Engels, G., Hendrik Hausmann, J., Lohmann, M., & Sauer, S. (2006). Teaching UML Is Teaching Software Engineering Is Teaching Abstraction. In Proceedings of the Satellite Events at the MoDELS 2005 Conference, Montego Bay (Jamaica) (Vol. 3844 / 2006, pp. 306–319). Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer.","ama":"Engels G, Hendrik Hausmann J, Lohmann M, Sauer S. Teaching UML Is Teaching Software Engineering Is Teaching Abstraction. In: Proceedings of the Satellite Events at the MoDELS 2005 Conference, Montego Bay (Jamaica). Vol 3844 / 2006. LNCS. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer; 2006:306-319.","ieee":"G. Engels, J. Hendrik Hausmann, M. Lohmann, and S. Sauer, “Teaching UML Is Teaching Software Engineering Is Teaching Abstraction,” in Proceedings of the Satellite Events at the MoDELS 2005 Conference, Montego Bay (Jamaica), 2006, vol. 3844 / 2006, pp. 306–319."},"place":"Berlin/Heidelberg","volume":"3844 / 2006"}