{"type":"report","date_created":"2019-03-03T16:13:18Z","publisher":"IBM Research","series_title":"IBM Research Report","date_updated":"2022-01-06T07:03:52Z","status":"public","year":"2010","_id":"8219","report_number":"3767","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"department":[{"_id":"66"}],"citation":{"bibtex":"@book{Gerth_Luckey_Küster_Engels_2010, place={Zurich}, series={IBM Research Report}, title={Detection of Semantically Equivalent Fragments for Business Process Model Change Management}, publisher={IBM Research}, author={Gerth, Christian and Luckey, Markus and Küster, Jochen and Engels, Gregor}, year={2010}, collection={IBM Research Report} }","chicago":"Gerth, Christian, Markus Luckey, Jochen Küster, and Gregor Engels. Detection of Semantically Equivalent Fragments for Business Process Model Change Management. IBM Research Report. Zurich: IBM Research, 2010.","ieee":"C. Gerth, M. Luckey, J. Küster, and G. Engels, Detection of Semantically Equivalent Fragments for Business Process Model Change Management. Zurich: IBM Research, 2010.","mla":"Gerth, Christian, et al. Detection of Semantically Equivalent Fragments for Business Process Model Change Management. IBM Research, 2010.","ama":"Gerth C, Luckey M, Küster J, Engels G. Detection of Semantically Equivalent Fragments for Business Process Model Change Management. Zurich: IBM Research; 2010.","apa":"Gerth, C., Luckey, M., Küster, J., & Engels, G. (2010). Detection of Semantically Equivalent Fragments for Business Process Model Change Management. Zurich: IBM Research.","short":"C. Gerth, M. Luckey, J. Küster, G. Engels, Detection of Semantically Equivalent Fragments for Business Process Model Change Management, IBM Research, Zurich, 2010."},"abstract":[{"lang":"eng","text":"Modern business process modeling environments support distributed development by means of model version control, i.e., comparison and merging of two different model versions. This is a challenging task since most modeling languages support an almost arbitrary creation of process models. Thus, in multi-developer environments, process models or parts of them are often syntactically very different but semantically equivalent. Hence, the comparison of business process models must be performed on a semantic level rather then on a syntactic level. For the domain of business process modeling, this problem is yet unsolved. This paper describes an approach that allows the semantic comparison of different business process models using a normal form. For that purpose, the process models are fully automatically translated into process model terms and normalized using a term rewriting system. The resulting normal forms can be efficiently compared. Our approach enables the semantic comparison of business process models ignoring syntactic redundancies."}],"author":[{"first_name":"Christian","full_name":"Gerth, Christian","last_name":"Gerth"},{"last_name":"Luckey","full_name":"Luckey, Markus","first_name":"Markus"},{"last_name":"Küster","full_name":"Küster, Jochen","first_name":"Jochen"},{"last_name":"Engels","id":"107","first_name":"Gregor","full_name":"Engels, Gregor"}],"title":"Detection of Semantically Equivalent Fragments for Business Process Model Change Management","user_id":"52534","place":"Zurich"}