{"intvolume":" 50","status":"public","quality_controlled":"1","publication":"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics","date_created":"2019-05-13T11:00:23Z","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"date_updated":"2022-01-06T07:04:19Z","author":[{"first_name":"Takafumi","last_name":"Maeda","full_name":"Maeda, Takafumi"},{"first_name":"Tobias","last_name":"Hemsel","id":"210","full_name":"Hemsel, Tobias"},{"last_name":"Morita","first_name":"Takeshi","full_name":"Morita, Takeshi"}],"department":[{"_id":"151"}],"volume":50,"type":"journal_article","page":"07HC01","title":"Improved Process for Hydrothermal Lead-Free Piezoelectric Powders and Performances of Sintered (K0.48Na0.52)NbO3 Ceramics","abstract":[{"lang":"eng","text":"In this study, we report some improvements in a hydrothermal method for lead-free piezoelectric powders and the performance of the sintered (K$_{0.48}$Na$_{0.52}$)NbO$_{3}$ ceramics. To increase the obtained powder weight per source solution volume, the hydrothermal reaction conditions were modified. This improvement is important for mass production; however, it resulted in a larger particle size dispersion. Therefore, we examined to introduced the ball milling process that is useful for dense (K$_{0.48}$Na$_{0.52}$)NbO$_{3}$ ceramics. When a large amount of powder was obtained, it took a long time to eliminate the residual alkaline ions in the hydrothermal powders by a washing process. Therefore, a neutralization was conducted in the powder washing process. Using this powder, a solid solution of (K,Na)NbO$_{3}$ceramics was synthesized. The relative density was successfully increased. Concerning the electrical properties, the relative permittivity was improved, and the piezoelectric constant d$_{33}$ was also increased from 114 to 130 pC/N."}],"_id":"9769","publisher":"The Japan Society of Applied Physics","year":"2011","citation":{"apa":"Maeda, T., Hemsel, T., & Morita, T. (2011). Improved Process for Hydrothermal Lead-Free Piezoelectric Powders and Performances of Sintered (K0.48Na0.52)NbO3 Ceramics. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 50, 07HC01.","ama":"Maeda T, Hemsel T, Morita T. Improved Process for Hydrothermal Lead-Free Piezoelectric Powders and Performances of Sintered (K0.48Na0.52)NbO3 Ceramics. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 2011;50:07HC01.","short":"T. Maeda, T. Hemsel, T. Morita, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 50 (2011) 07HC01.","ieee":"T. Maeda, T. Hemsel, and T. Morita, “Improved Process for Hydrothermal Lead-Free Piezoelectric Powders and Performances of Sintered (K0.48Na0.52)NbO3 Ceramics,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 50, p. 07HC01, 2011.","mla":"Maeda, Takafumi, et al. “Improved Process for Hydrothermal Lead-Free Piezoelectric Powders and Performances of Sintered (K0.48Na0.52)NbO3 Ceramics.” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 50, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, 2011, p. 07HC01.","bibtex":"@article{Maeda_Hemsel_Morita_2011, title={Improved Process for Hydrothermal Lead-Free Piezoelectric Powders and Performances of Sintered (K0.48Na0.52)NbO3 Ceramics}, volume={50}, journal={Japanese Journal of Applied Physics}, publisher={The Japan Society of Applied Physics}, author={Maeda, Takafumi and Hemsel, Tobias and Morita, Takeshi}, year={2011}, pages={07HC01} }","chicago":"Maeda, Takafumi, Tobias Hemsel, and Takeshi Morita. “Improved Process for Hydrothermal Lead-Free Piezoelectric Powders and Performances of Sintered (K0.48Na0.52)NbO3 Ceramics.” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 50 (2011): 07HC01."},"user_id":"55222"}