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433 Publications
2015 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5748
E. Yigitbas, S. Sauer, and G. Engels, “A Model-Based Framework for Multi-Adaptive Migratory User Interfaces,” in Human-Computer Interaction: Interaction Technologies - 17th International Conference, {HCI} International 2015, Los Angeles, CA, USA, August 2-7, 2015, Proceedings, Part {II}, 2015, pp. 563–572.
2015 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 7257
Z. Huma, C. Gerth, and G. Engels, “On-the-Fly Computing: Automatic Service Discovery and Composition in Heterogeneous Domains,” Computer Science - Research and Development, vol. 30, no. 3–4, pp. 333–361, 2015.
2015 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6719 |

S. Heindorf, M. Potthast, B. Stein, and G. Engels, “Towards Vandalism Detection in Knowledge Bases,” in SIGIR, 2015, pp. 831–834, doi: 10.1145/2766462.2767804.
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2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 20142
H. Wachsmuth, M. Trenkmann, B. Stein, G. Engels, and T. Palakarska, “A Review Corpus for Argumentation Analysis,” in Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics, 2014, pp. 115–127.
2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 390
Z. Huma, C. Gerth, and G. Engels, “On-the-Fly Computing: Automatic Service Discovery and Composition in Heterogeneous Domains,” Computer Science - Research and Development, no. 3–4, pp. 333–361, 2014.
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2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 8064
F. Pittke, B. Nagel, G. Engels, and J. Mendling, “Linguistic Consistency of Goal Models,” in Proceedings of the 19th International EMMSAD Conference, 2014.
2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 8065
M. Fazal-Baqaie, C. Gerth, and G. Engels, “Breathing Life into Situational Software Engineering Methods,” in In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of Product Focused Software Development and Process Improvement (PROFES 2014), 2014, vol. 8892, pp. 281–284.
2014 | Report | LibreCat-ID: 8224
S. Arifulina, M. Christin Platenius, C. Gerth, S. Becker, G. Engels, and W. Schäfer, Configuration of Specification Language and Matching for Services in On-The-Fly Computing. Heinz Nixdorf Institute, University of Paderborn, 2014.
2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 394
S. Schwichtenberg, C. Gerth, Z. Huma, and G. Engels, “Normalizing Heterogeneous Service Description Models with Generated QVT Transformations,” in Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA), 2014, pp. 180–195.
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2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 402
S. Arifulina, M. C. Platenius, C. Gerth, S. Becker, G. Engels, and W. Schäfer, “Market-optimized Service Specification and Matching,” in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2014), 2014, pp. 543–550.
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2013 | Newspaper Article | LibreCat-ID: 25615
G. Engels, C. Gerth, L. Kleinjohann, B. Kleinjohann, and W. Müller, “ Informationstechnik spart Ressourcen,” ForschungsForum Paderborn , 2013.
2013 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 8057
B. Nagel, C. Gerth, J. Post, and G. Engels, “Ensuring Consistency Among Business Goals and Business Process Models,” in Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International EDOC Conference (EDOC’13), 2013, pp. 17–26.
2013 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 8058
C. Schumacher, G. Engels, B. Güldali, M. Niehammer, and M. Hamburg, “Modellbasierte Bewertung von Testprozessen nach TPI NEXT® mit Geschäftsprozess-Mustern,” in Proceedings of the conference on Software Enginneering, Fachtagung des GI Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik (SE 2013), Aachen (Germany), 2013, vol. P-213, pp. 331–344.
2013 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 8059
G. Engels, “On-the-Fly Computing - Das Entwicklungs- und Betriebsparadigma für Softwaresysteme der Zukunft,” in Software Engineering 2013, 2013, vol. P-213, pp. 17–18.
2013 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 8060
Z. Huma, C. Gerth, G. Engels, and O. Juwig, “Automated Service Composition for On-the-Fly SOAs,” in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC’13), 2013, vol. 8274, pp. 524–532.
2013 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 8061
M. Luckey and G. Engels, “High-Quality Specification of Self-Adaptive Software Systems,” in Proceeding of the 8th international symposium on Software engineering for adaptive and self-managing systems, 2013, pp. 143–152.
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2013 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 8062
F. Brüseke, S. Becker, and G. Engels, “Decision Support via Automated Metric Comparison for the Palladio-based Performance Blame Analysis,” in Proceedings of the 4th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE 2013), Prague (Czech Republic), 2013, pp. 77–88.
2013 | Report | LibreCat-ID: 8223
Z. Huma, C. Gerth, and G. Engels, Automated Service Discovery and Composition for On-the-Fly SOAs. University of Paderborn, Germany, 2013.
2013 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 484
M. C. Platenius, M. von Detten, C. Gerth, W. Schäfer, and G. Engels, “Service Matching under Consideration of Explicitly Specified Service Variants,” in IEEE 20th International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2013), 2013, pp. 613–614.
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