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742 Publications
2007 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18643 |

Peckhaus V. Vollmar, Roland, „Von Zielen und Grenzen der Informatik“, Abh. Braunschw. Wiss. Ges. 51 (2002), 9–24. zbMATH Open, Zbl 111168301 [Wiederabdruck von MR 2003d:68002]. Published online 2007.
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2007 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18645 |

Peckhaus V. Cook, John W., The Undiscovered Wittgenstein. The Twentieth Century’s Most Misunderstood Philosopher, Humanity Books: New York 2005. zbMATH Open, Zbl 111800004. Published online 2007.
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2007 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18644 |

Peckhaus V. Rescher, Nicholas, Collected Papers, Bd. 10: Studies in the History of Logic, Ontos Verlag: Frankfurt a.M. 2006. zbMATH Open, Zbl 111703005. Published online 2007.
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2007 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18822
Peckhaus V. Anellis, Irving H., “Some Views of Russell and Russell’s Logic by his Early Contemporaries”, Review of Modern Logic 10 (2004/05), 67–97. Mathematical Reviews, MR2238774 (2007d:03002). Published online 2007.
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2007 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18821
Peckhaus V. De Mol, Liesbeth, “Closing the Circle: An Analysis of Emil Post’s Early Work”, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 12 (2006), 267–289. Mathematical Reviews, MR 2007a:03002. Published online 2007.
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2007 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18823
Peckhaus V. Crocco, Gabriella, “Gödel on Concepts”, History and Philosophy of Logic 27 (2006), 171–191. Mathematical Reviews, MR2227083 (2007e:03007) . Published online 2007.
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2007 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 17448
Ebbinghaus H-D, Peckhaus V. Ernst Zermelo. An Approach to His Life and Work. Springer; 2007.
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2006 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 17460
Peckhaus V, Löwe B, Räsch T, eds. Foundations of Formal Sciences IV. The History of the Concept of Formal Sciences. Vol 3. London: College Publications; 2006.
2006 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 17580
Peckhaus V. Psychologism and the Distinction between Discovery and Justification. In: Schickore J, Steinle F, eds. Revisiting Discovery and Justification. Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on the Context Distinction. Vol 14. Archimedes. Springer; 2006:99-116.
2006 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 17581
Peckhaus V. Der Baum der Erkenntnis. In: Keuchen M, Kuhlmann H, Schroeter-Wittke H, eds. Die besten Nebenrollen. 50 Porträts biblischer Randfiguren. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt; 2006:58-62.
2006 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 17583
Peckhaus V. Predeductive Reasoning. In: Cellucci C, Pecere P, eds. Demonstrative and Non-Demonstrative Reasoning in Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Workshop University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’, Rome, Villa Mirafiori, 16-17 June 2005. Edizioni dell’Università degli Studi di Cassino; 2006:9-25.
2006 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 17582
Peckhaus V. Die Aktualität der Logik als Organon. In: Abel G, ed. Kreativität. XX. Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie. 26.–30. September 2005 an der Technischen Universität Berlin. Kolloquiumsbeiträge. Felix Meiner Verlag; 2006:58-69.
2006 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 17584
Peckhaus V, Löwe B, Räsch T. Preface. In: Peckhaus V, Löwe B, Räsch T, eds. Foundations of Formal Sciences IV. The History of the Concept of Formal Sciences. Vol 3. Studies in Logic. College Publications; 2006:vii–xii.
2006 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18556 |

Peckhaus V. Floyd, Juliet/Shieh, Sanford (Hgg.), “Future Pasts. The Analytic Tradition in Twentieth-Century Philosophy. Dedicated to Burton Dreben”, Oxford University Press: Oxford 2001. zbMATH Open, Zbl 109603001. Published online 2006.
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2006 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18521 |

Peckhaus V. Husserl, Edmund, Philosophy of Arithmetic. Psychological and Logical Investigations with Supplementary Texts from 1887-1901, übers. u. hg. v. Dallas Willard, Kluwer: Dordrecht 2003 (Collected Works, Bd. 10). zbMATH Open, Zbl 107301026. Published online 2006.
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2006 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18544 |

Peckhaus V. Bolzano, Bernard, Vermischte Mathematische Schriften 1832–1848, Teil 1, hg. v. Jan Berg (Bernard-Bolzano-Gesamtausgabe, R. II.A.11.1), Friedrich Frommann Verlag-Günther Holzboog: Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt 2001. zbMATH Open, Zbl 108701017. Published online 2006.
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2006 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18522 |

Peckhaus V. Copeland, B. Jack, The Essential Turing. Seminal Writings in Computing, Logic, Philosophy, Artificial Intelligence, and Artificial Life plus ‘The Secrets of Enigma’, Clarendon Press: Oxford 2004. zbMATH Open, Zbl 107601036. Published online 2006.
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2006 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18523 |

Peckhaus V. Bolzano, Bernard, Briefe an František Príhonský (1824–1948), 3 Bde., hg. v. Jan Berg (Bernard-Bolzano-Gesamtausgabe, R. III, 3, 1–3), Frommann-Holzboog: Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt 2005. zbMATH Open, Zbl 107801012. Published online 2006.
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2006 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18543 |

Peckhaus V. Cassini, Alejandro, “Newton and Leibniz on Non-substantial Space”, Theoria. Segunda Epoca 20, Nr. 52 (2005), 25-42. zbMATH Open, Zbl 108700002. Published online 2006.
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2006 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18545 |

Peckhaus V. Lacki, Jan, “Styles of Physical Thinking Versus Mathematical Ones”, Synthese 134 (2003), 273-288. zbMATH Open, Zbl 108900005. Published online 2006.
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