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742 Publications

2022 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 32458 | OA
@article{Peckhaus_2022, title={Coquand, Thierry, “Lorenzen and Constructive Mathematics”, in: Gerhard Heinzmann et al. (eds.), Paul Lorenzen – Mathematician and Logician, Springer: Cham 2021 (Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science; 51), 48–61.}, number={Zbl. 07465326}, journal={zbMath Online, Zbl 1490.03001}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2022} }
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2022 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 37084
@article{Peckhaus_2022, title={Luna, Laureano. “Strengthening the Russellian Argument Against Abolutely Unrestricted Quantification”. Synthese 200 (2022), No. 3, Paper No. 182, 13 pp}, journal={Mathematical Reviews, MR4410107}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2022} }
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2022 | Encyclopedia Article | LibreCat-ID: 37065 | OA
@inbook{Peckhaus_2022, edition={Winter Edition 2022}, title={Scholz, Heinrich }, booktitle={Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, editor={Zalta, Edward N. and Nodelmann, Uri}, year={2022} }
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2022 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 37069 | OA
@article{Peckhaus_2022, title={Fermüller, Christian G., “Connecting Sequent Calculi with Lorenzen-Style Dialogue Games”, in: Gerhard Heinzmann et al. (eds.), Paul Lorenzen – Mathematician and Logician, Springer: Cham 2021 (Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science; 51), 143–183}, journal={zbMATH Open, Zbl 1490.03014}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2022} }
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2022 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 29143
@article{Peckhaus_2022, title={De Mol, Liesbeth/Maarten Bullynck,, “Making the History of Computing. The History of Computing in the History of Technology and the History of Mathematics”, Revue de Synthèse (7) 139 (2018), 361-380}, journal={Mathematical Reviews, MR4162129}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2022} }
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2022 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 37054
@book{Peckhaus_2022, place={Paderborn}, title={Christian Thiel, Fregeana. Zwölf Studien über Freges Logik}, publisher={mentis}, year={2022} }
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2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 49919
@inbook{Autsch_Becher_Peckhaus_Schmidt_2022, place={Darmstadt}, title={Interdisziplinäre Studien des Paderborner Graduiertenzentrums für Kulturwissenschaften}, booktitle={Wissenstransfer als Aufgabe. Herausforderung und Chance kulturwissenschaftlicher Forschung}, publisher={wbg Academic}, author={Autsch, Sabiene and Becher, Andrea and Peckhaus, Volker and Schmidt, Jochen}, editor={Harmening, Anda-Lisa and Leinfellner, Stefanie and Meier, Rebecca}, year={2022} }

2022 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 37082
@article{Peckhaus_2022, title={Serfati, Michael, Leibniz and the Invention of Mathematical Transcendence, Franz Steiner Verlag: Stuttgart 2018 (Studia Leibnitiana Sonderheft; 54). }, journal={Mathematical Reviews, MR4090716}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2022} }
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2021 | Encyclopedia Article | LibreCat-ID: 17751
@inbook{Peckhaus_2021, place={Freiburg/Basel/Wien}, edition={8. völlig neu bearbeitete Aufl.}, title={Technikphilosophie}, booktitle={Staatslexikon. Recht, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft, Bd. 5: Schule - Virtuelle Realität}, publisher={Herder Verlag}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2021}, pages={983-991 (Spalten)} }

2021 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 28706 | OA
@article{Peckhaus_2021, title={Wittgenstein, Ludwig, Wiener Ausgabe, Bd. 7: Synopse der Manuskriptbände I bis IV, hg. v. Michael Nedo, Vittorio Klostermann: Frankfurt a.M. 2020}, number={Zbl. 1472.01028}, journal={zbMATH Open, Zbl 1472.01028}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2021} }
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2021 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 28708 | OA
@article{Peckhaus_2021, title={Wittgenstein, Ludwig, Wiener Ausgabe, Bd. 9: Philosophische Bemerkungen, hg. v. Michael Nedo, Vittorio Klostermann: Frankfurt a.M. 2020}, number={Zbl. 07314656}, journal={zbMATH Open, Zbl 1475.00016}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2021} }
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2021 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 29141
@article{Peckhaus_2021, title={Fan, Zhao, “Hobson’s Conception of Definable Numbers”, History and Philosophy of Logic 41 (2020)}, number={4085836}, journal={Mathematical Reviews, MR4085836}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2021} }
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2021 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 28707 | OA
@article{Peckhaus_2021, title={Bolzano, Bernard, “Briefe an Michael Josef Fesl 1831–1836”, hg. v. Otto Neumaier, Frommann-Holzboog, Eckhart Holzboog: Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt 2020 (Bernard Bolzano-Gesamtausgabe. Reihe III: Briefwechsel. Bd. 2.2)}, number={Zbl. 07263970}, journal={zbMATH Open, Zbl. 1475.01044}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2021} }
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2021 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 29142
@article{Peckhaus_2021, title={Kovač, Srećko, “Logical Foundations and Kant’s Principles of Formal Logic”, History and Philosophy of Logic 40 (2020)}, number={4053233}, journal={Mathematical Reviews, MR4053233}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2021} }
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2021 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 28705 | OA
@article{Peckhaus_2021, title={Negrepontis, Stelios, “Plato on Geometry and the Geometers”, in: S.G. Dani et al. (eds.), Geometry in History, Cham: Springer 2019, 1–88}, number={Zbl 1471.01007}, journal={zbMATH Open, Zbl. 1471.01007}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2021} }
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2021 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 28709 | OA
@article{Peckhaus_2021, title={Rusnock, Paul, “Bolzano on Continuity”, in: Stewart Shapiro et. al. (eds.), The History of Continua. Philosophical and Mathematical Perspectives, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2021, 188–218}, number={Zbl. 07309822}, journal={zbMATH Open, Zbl. 1478.01009}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2021} }
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2021 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 32466
@article{Peckhaus_2021, title={Nakano, Anderson, “On Ramsey’s Reason to Amend Principia Mathematica’s Logicism and Wittgenstein’s Reaction”, Synthese 199 (2021), 2629–2646.}, number={MR4341825}, journal={Mathematical Reviews, MR4341825}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2021} }
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2021 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 29144
@article{Peckhaus_2021, title={Vlasáková, Marta, “Logic and Sets”, Logic and Logical Philosophy 29 (2020), 71-95}, number={4086076}, journal={Mathematical Reviews, MR4086076}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2021} }
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2020 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 17638
@inbook{Peckhaus_2020, place={Stuttgart}, title={Logik}, booktitle={Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Rezeption, Forschung, Ausblick}, publisher={Steiner Verlag}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, editor={Beiderbeck, Friedrich and Li, Wenchao and Waldhoff, Stephan}, year={2020}, pages={537–547} }

2020 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 17895
@inbook{Peckhaus_2020, place={Paderborn}, series={Paderborner Universitätsreden}, title={Grußwort}, volume={155}, booktitle={Verleihung der Ehrendoktorwürde an Maria von Welser durch die Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften der Universität Paderborn am 14. November 2019}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2020}, pages={3–4}, collection={Paderborner Universitätsreden} }

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