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102 Publications

2023 | Newspaper Article | LibreCat-ID: 47901
The use of IT and OER to support remote sustainable work in Europeans Green Economy
M. Beutner, J.N. Schneider, International Conference on Industry Sciences and Computer Science Innovation (n.d.).
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2022 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 48246
Developing an e-learning tool with integrated electronic training certificate (FEL) for professional nursing training
M. Beutner, J.N. Schneider, N.C. Grüttner, S.N. Koppius, J. Stelzer, Developing an E-Learning Tool with Integrated Electronic Training Certificate (FEL) for Professional Nursing Training, Barcelona, Spain, 2022.

2022 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 48241
European Certificates and Accreditation for European Projects. The EU-CERT-Project – Insight into PR1: EU-CERT - Research on Quality Criteria, Accreditation and Certificate Structures
M. Beutner, J.N. Schneider, European Certificates and Accreditation for European Projects. The EU-CERT-Project – Insight into PR1: EU-CERT - Research on Quality Criteria, Accreditation and Certificate Structures, Cologne, Germany, 2022.

2022 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 48242
EU-CERT - European Certificates and Accreditation for European Projects. The EU-CERT-Project - Insight into PR2: EU-CERT - Concept Design for Accreditation and Certification Processes
M. Beutner, J.N. Schneider, EU-CERT - European Certificates and Accreditation for European Projects. The EU-CERT-Project - Insight into PR2: EU-CERT - Concept Design for Accreditation and Certification Processes, Cologne, Germany, 2022.

2022 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 48245
EU-CERT - European Certificates and Accreditation for European Projects. The EU-CERT-Project - Insight into PR4: EU-CERT - Accreditation Handbook
M. Beutner, J.N. Schneider, EU-CERT - European Certificates and Accreditation for European Projects. The EU-CERT-Project - Insight into PR4: EU-CERT - Accreditation Handbook, Cologne, Germany, 2022.

2022 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 47983
E-Learning, Digitisation and Units for Learning at VET schools Creating Online Learning Environments in Technical Education for European metal industry. New Opportunities and Challenges for European VET schools in metal industry. Insights in the EDU VET Project
M. Beutner, R. Pechuel, J.N. Schneider, eds., E-Learning, Digitisation and Units for Learning at VET Schools Creating Online Learning Environments in Technical Education for European Metal Industry. New Opportunities and Challenges for European VET Schools in Metal Industry. Insights in the EDU VET Project, IK-Verlag, Köln, 2022.

2022 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 48244
EU-CERT - European Certificates and Accreditation for European Projects. The EU-CERT-Project - Dissemination and Exploitation
M. Beutner, J.N. Schneider, EU-CERT - European Certificates and Accreditation for European Projects. The EU-CERT-Project - Dissemination and Exploitation, Cologne, Germany, 2022.

2022 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 48240
EU-CERT - European Certificates and Accreditation for European Projects
M. Beutner, J.N. Schneider, EU-CERT - European Certificates and Accreditation for European Projects, Cologne, Germany, 2022.

2021 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 47978 | OA
Fostering Digitisation and Industry 4.0: Education – Vocation – Industry – Future. New Opportunities and Challenges for European VET. Insight in the DigI-VET Project
M. Beutner, R. Pechuel, J.N. Schneider, eds., Fostering Digitisation and Industry 4.0: Education – Vocation – Industry – Future. New Opportunities and Challenges for European VET. Insight in the DigI-VET Project, Köln, 2021.
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2021 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 47949
Förderung von Digitalisierung und Industrie 4.0: Bildung – Beruf – Industrie – Zukunft. Neue Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen für die europäische Berufsbildung. Einblick in das Projekt DigI-VET
M. Beutner, J.N. Schneider, in: M. Beutner, R. Pechuel, J. Schneider (Eds.), Industrie 4.0- Eine Einführung in die Ideen und neuen Möglichkeiten, Köln, 2021, pp. 24–41.

2020 | Newspaper Article | LibreCat-ID: 47899
Open Educational Resources- Nicht nur nutzen, sondern auch erstellen! Chancen und Potenziale für die deutsche Berufsbildungslandschaft
M. Beutner, J.N. Schneider, Kölner Zeitschrift für Wirtschaft und Pädagogik 35 (2020) 68–106.
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2017 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 6240
"Der Unterschied ist, die hat man erwischt" - Berufliche Bildung im Jugendstrafvollzug
H.-H. Kremer, M. Beutner, in: M. Schweder (Ed.), Jugendstrafvollzug - (k)ein Ort der Bildung!?, Weinheim Basel, 2017, pp. 114–129.

2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8877
Acceptance of Mobile Learning at SMEs of the Service Sector
M. Beutner, F.A. Rüscher, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference Mobile Learning 2017 (2017) 63–72.

2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8878
Die Unterstützung von Entrepreneurship im Kultur- und Kreativsektor durch Berufsbildung
M. Beutner, F.A. Rüscher, Kölner Zeitschrift für Wirtschaft und Pädagogik (2017) 3–34.

2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8879
Green Economy und Green Entrepreneurship fördern – GET-UP Ergebnisse
M. Beutner, F.A. Rüscher, Kölner Zeitschrift für Wirtschaft und Pädagogik (2017) 35–62.

2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8881
YES – Ein Online Gruppen-Deck-Card-Game zu European Citizenship
M. Beutner, D. Eggert, F.A. Rüscher, Hochschultage 2017 (2017) 1–16.
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2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8882 LibreCat | Download (ext.)

2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8883
Webbasierte Classroom Response Systeme in der Hochschullehre – Eine designbasierte Fallstudie zur Unterstützung von Lehr-/Lernprozessen aus Studierendensicht
M. Beutner, A. Zoyke, P. Herrmann, D. Kundisch, J. Magenheim, J. Neugebauer, Das Hochschulwesen 65 (2017) 48–52.

2016 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9251
The Importance of OER in European Education
M. Beutner, J. Schneider, in: M. Beutner (Ed.), OER – Quality Standards, Implementation, Sharing and Use. Results and Discussions on the Basis of EU-StORe Project, Köln, 2016, pp. 11–17.

2016 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9252
The EU-StORe Project
M. Beutner, J. Schneider, in: M. Beutner (Ed.), OER – Quality Standards, Implementation, Sharing and Use. Results and Discussions on the Basis of EU-StORe Project, Köln, 2016, pp. 19–27.

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