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2 Publications

2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 36277
Performing Utopia? The Contestation of Dystopian Space in Cecelia Ahern's Flawed-Series
J.C. Schneider, in: M. Tönnies, Eckart Voigts, The German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (Eds.), Twenty-First Century Anxieties: Dys/Utopian Spaces and Contexts in Contemporary British Theatre, 2022, pp. 73–86.

2020 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 36286
Birth Without a Woman: Mary Shelley's Frankenstein in the Context of Eighteenth-Century Ideas on Birth, Motherhood and Midwifery
J.C. Schneider, in: S. Schäfer-Althaus, S. Strauß (Eds.), Transient Bodies in Anglophone Literature and Culture, 2020, pp. 47–68.

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