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4 Publications

2022 | Dissertation | LibreCat-ID: 32856
Essays on Industrial Organization and Networks: Retail Bundling, Exclusive Dealing, and Network Disruption
A.E. Endres-Fröhlich, Essays on Industrial Organization and Networks: Retail Bundling, Exclusive Dealing, and Network Disruption, 2022.
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2022 | Report | LibreCat-ID: 44091
The Impact of Product Differentiation on Retail Bundling in a Vertical Market
A.E. Endres-Fröhlich, B. Hehenkamp, J. Heinzel, The Impact of Product Differentiation on Retail Bundling in a Vertical Market, n.d.

2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 80
Network Formation and Disruption - An Experiment: Are equilibrium networks too complex?
A.E. Endres, S. Recker, B. Mir Djawadi, B. Hoyer, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 157 (2019) 708–734.
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2016 | Mastersthesis | LibreCat-ID: 178
On the Design and Defense of Networks - An Experimental Investigation
A.E. Endres, On the Design and Defense of Networks - An Experimental Investigation, Universität Paderborn, 2016.

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