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1086 Publications
1999 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18325 |

Peckhaus, Volker. “Hoeltgen, Karl Josef, ‘Clever Dogs and Nimble Spaniels: On the Iconography of Logic, Invention, and Imagination’, Explorations in Renaissance Culture 24 (1998), 1–36.” zbMATH Open, Zbl. 0914.01003, 1999.
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1999 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55253
Milkov, Nikolay. “The Latest Frege.” Prima Philosophia 12 (1999): 41–49.
1998 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 17497
Peckhaus, Volker. “Axiomatische Ethik.” In Zwischen Kant und Hare. Eine Evaluation der Ethik Leonard Nelsons, edited by Dieter Krohn, Barbara Neißer, and Nora Walter, 5:37–61. Sokratisches Philosophieren. Frankfurt a. M.: dipa-Verlag, 1998.
1998 | Encyclopedia Article | LibreCat-ID: 17646
Peckhaus, Volker. “Gentzen, Gerhard Karl Erich (1909–45).” In Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Bd. 4: Genealogy to Iqbal, edited by Edward Craig, 23–25. London/ New York: Routledge, 1998.
1998 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 17782
Peckhaus, Volker. “Helena M. Pycior, Symbols, Impossible Numbers, and Geometric Entanglement. British Algebra through the Commentaries on Newton’s Universal Arithmetic. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1997.” Erkenntnis, 1998.
1998 | Conference Abstract | LibreCat-ID: 17879
Peckhaus, Volker. “The Heuristic Function of the Axiomatic Method [Abstract].” In Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy. Abstracts of Invited and Contributed Papers, edited by Stephen Dawson and u. a., 156. Boston, 1998.
1998 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 15507
Hagengruber, Ruth Edith, ed. Klassische philosophische Texte von Frauen. 2nd ed. München: dtv, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1998.
1998 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 12849
Hagengruber, Ruth Edith, ed. Wissen und Handeln: Ein Lehrbuch zur Geschichte der Ethik für den Gymnasialunterricht unter Berücksichtigung der Schriften von Philosophinnen. Rheinland-Pfalz, 1998.
1998 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 15576
Hagengruber, Ruth Edith. “Tommaso Campanella: Philosophische Gedichte. Übersetzt und hrsg. von Thomas Flasch. Frankfurt a. M.: Klostermann, 1996.” Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger, 1998.
1998 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 15614
Hagengruber, Ruth Edith. “Widersprüche, Paradoxien und Klärungen. Überlegungen grundsätzlicher Art zur Frauenforschung aus der Sicht von Philosophinnen.” In Perspektiven der Frauenforschung, edited by Renate von Bardeleben and Patricia Plummer, 19–27. Tübingen: Stauffenberg-Verlag, 1998.
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1998 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 15615
Hagengruber, Ruth Edith. “Philosophinnen.” In Feministische Hochschuldidaktik. Materialien der Koblenzer Frauenstudien, edited by Elisabeth De Sotelo, 185–246. Münster: Lit-Verlag, 1998.
1998 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 15617
Hagengruber, Ruth Edith. “Utility and Universality versus Utility and the General Good.” In Presented at the XXth World Congress of Philosophy Boston, 1998.
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1998 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 15616
Hagengruber, Ruth Edith. “Wirtschaften als Erhalt der Güter – eine Utopie?” Ethica. Wissenschaft und Verantwortung 6, no. 2 (1998): 182–89.
1998 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18740
Peckhaus, Volker. “Ewald, William (Hg.), From Kant to Hilbert. A Source Book in the Foundations of Mathematics, 2 Bde., The Clarendon Press: Oxford/Oxford University Press: New York 1996.” Mathematical Reviews, MR1465678 (98i:01040), 1998.
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1998 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 17781 |

Peckhaus, Volker. “‘Russell’s Paradox’, Rezension von Alejandro R. Garciadiego. Bertrand Russell and the Origins of the Set-Theoretic ‘Paradoxes’. Basel, Boston and Berlin: Birkhäuser Verlag, 1992. Spanish Edition: Bertrand Russell y Los Origines de Las ‘Paradojas’ de La Theoría de Conjuntos. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 1992.” Russell, 1998.
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1998 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18233 |

Peckhaus, Volker. “Murawski, Roman, ‘On the Philosophical Meaning of Reverse Mathematics’, in: Czermak (Hg.) 1993 [Zbl 0836.00022], 173–184.” zbMATH Open, Zbl. 0878.00006, 1998.
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1998 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18239 |

Peckhaus, Volker. “Maddy, Penelope, ‘Wittgenstein’s Anti-Philosophy of Mathematics’, in: Puhl (Hg.) 1993 [Zbl 0836.00023], 52–72.” ZbMATH Open, Zbl. 0878.03006, 1998.
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1998 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18230 |

Peckhaus, Volker. “Cellucci, Carlo, ‘From Closed to Open Systems’, in: Czermak (Hg.) 1993 [Zbl 0836.00022], 206–220.” zbMATH Open, Zbl. 0877.03006, 1998.
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1998 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18269 |

Peckhaus, Volker. “Schroeder-Heister, Peter, ‘Frege and the Resolution Calculus’, History and Philosophy of Logic 18 (1997), 95–108.” ZbMATH Open, Zbl. 0889.03002, 1998.
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1998 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18238
Peckhaus, Volker. “Wang, Hao, ‘What Is Logic?’, In: Puhl (Hg.) 1993 [Zbl 0836.00023], 11–23.” ZbMATH Open, Zbl. 0878.03005, 1998.
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