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3745 Publications

2022 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 48246
Beutner, Marc, Jennifer Nicole Schneider, Niclas Christian Grüttner, Sebastian Niklas Koppius, and Jana Stelzer. Developing an E-Learning Tool with Integrated Electronic Training Certificate (FEL) for Professional Nursing Training. Barcelona, Spain, 2022.

2022 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 48251
Schneider, Jennifer Nicole. EU-CERT - European Certificates and Accreditation for European Projects. The EU-CERT – Accreditation Conference. Insight into PR1: EU-CERT - Research on Quality Criteria, Accreditation and Certificate Structures. Almeirim, Portugal, 2022.

2022 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 48241
Beutner, Marc, and Jennifer Nicole Schneider. European Certificates and Accreditation for European Projects. The EU-CERT-Project – Insight into PR1: EU-CERT - Research on Quality Criteria, Accreditation and Certificate Structures. Cologne, Germany, 2022.

2022 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 48242
Beutner, Marc, and Jennifer Nicole Schneider. EU-CERT - European Certificates and Accreditation for European Projects. The EU-CERT-Project - Insight into PR2: EU-CERT - Concept Design for Accreditation and Certification Processes. Cologne, Germany, 2022.

2022 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 48245
Beutner, Marc, and Jennifer Nicole Schneider. EU-CERT - European Certificates and Accreditation for European Projects. The EU-CERT-Project - Insight into PR4: EU-CERT - Accreditation Handbook. Cologne, Germany, 2022.

2022 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 48254
Schneider, Jennifer Nicole. EU-CERT. Second Transnational Project Meeting.Presentation about Accreditation and Certificate Structures. Almeirim, Portugal, 2022.

2022 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 48441
Schneider, Jennifer Nicole. STEMinAction: Open Educational Resource Workshop . Paderborn, Germany, 2022.

2022 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 48439
Schneider, Jennifer Nicole. OERCamp. Barcamp Sessions Zu OER in Der Berufl. Bildungsforschung. Hamburg, Germany, 2022.
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2022 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 47983
Beutner, Marc, Rasmus Pechuel, and Jennifer Nicole Schneider, eds. E-Learning, Digitisation and Units for Learning at VET Schools Creating Online Learning Environments in Technical Education for European Metal Industry. New Opportunities and Challenges for European VET Schools in Metal Industry. Insights in the EDU VET Project. Köln: IK-Verlag, 2022.

2022 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 48438
Schneider, Jennifer Nicole. Greenworld: Think Green for the Word. Learning Teaching Training Activities (LTTA). Workshop: Open Educational Resources – Sustainability in Green Start-Ups! Paderborn, Germany, 2022.

2022 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 48248
Schneider, Jennifer Nicole. EU-CERT - European Certificates and Accreditation for European Projects. The EU-CERT – Accreditation Conference. Current Status of the EU-CERT Project. Almeirim, Portugal, 2022.

2022 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 48244
Beutner, Marc, and Jennifer Nicole Schneider. EU-CERT - European Certificates and Accreditation for European Projects. The EU-CERT-Project - Dissemination and Exploitation. Cologne, Germany, 2022.

2022 | Report | LibreCat-ID: 48008
Schneider, Jennifer Nicole. Family Business Library. Rural and Regional Libraries as Local family Entrepreneurship Centers. Policy Paper, 2022.
LibreCat | Files available

2022 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 48240
Beutner, Marc, and Jennifer Nicole Schneider. EU-CERT - European Certificates and Accreditation for European Projects. Cologne, Germany, 2022.

2022 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 48247
Schneider, Jennifer Nicole. EU-CERT - European Certificates and Accreditation for European Projects. Cologne, Germany, 2022.

2022 | Report | LibreCat-ID: 35759
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft | AG Publikationswesen, (DFG), and Caren Sureth-Sloane. Wissenschaftliches Publizieren Als Grundlage Und Gestaltungsfeld Der Wissenschaftsbewertung, 2022.
LibreCat | DOI

2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 47627
Mordhorst, Lisa, and Tobias Jenert. “Curricular Integration of Academic and Vocational Education: A Theory-Based Empirical Typology of Dual Study Programmes in Germany.” Higher Education 85, no. 6 (2022): 1257–79.
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2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 33864 | OA
Jenert, Tobias, and Ingrid Scharlau. “Wissenschaftsdidaktik als Verständigung über wissenschaftliches Handeln – eine Auslegeordnung.” In Wissenschaftsdidaktik I: Einführung, edited by Gabi Reinmann and Rüdiger Rhein, 155–79. Bielefeld: transcript, 2022.
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2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 46034
Jenert, Tobias, H.-Hugo Kremer, and Niklas Sänger. “Digitale Transformation der Berufs- und Arbeitswelt – Einblicke in die fachdidaktische Gestaltung der beruflichen Fachrichtung ‚Wirtschaft und Verwaltung‘.” bwp@ Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik 43 (2022).
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2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 31678 | OA
Jenert, Tobias, and Ingrid Scharlau. “Wissenschaftskommunikation als Verständigung: Chance für die Hochschulentwicklung?!” Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung 17, no. 2 (2022).
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