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1080 Publications

2020 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 40438
Carcamo M, Schumacher S, Binder R. Transfer function replacement of phenomenological single-mode equations in semiconductor microcavity modeling. Applied Optics. 2020;59(22). doi:10.1364/ao.392014
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2020 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 20586
Ma X, Kartashov Y, Kavokin A, Schumacher S. Chiral condensates in a polariton hexagonal ring. Optics Letters. 2020;45(20):5700-5703. doi:10.1364/ol.405400
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2020 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 17070
Navickas M, Giriūnas L, Kalendra V, et al. Electron paramagnetic resonance study of ferroelectric phase transition and dynamic effects in a Mn2+ doped [NH4][Zn(HCOO)3] hybrid formate framework. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2020;22:8513-8521. doi:10.1039/d0cp01612h
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2020 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 19189 | OA
Badalov S, Wilhelm R, Schmidt WG. Photocatalytic properties of            graphene‐supported            titania clusters from            density‐functional            theory. Journal of Computational Chemistry. Published online 2020:1921-1930. doi:10.1002/jcc.26363
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2020 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 20773
Kosarev AN, Rose H, Poltavtsev SV, et al. Accurate photon echo timing by optical freezing of exciton dephasing and rephasing in quantum dots. Communications Physics. 2020;3(1). doi:10.1038/s42005-020-00491-2
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2020 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 43747 | OA
Meier T, Ma X, Berger B, et al. Realization of all-optical vortex switching in exciton-polariton condensates. Nature communications. 2020;11(1):897. doi:10.1038/s41467-020-14702-5
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2020 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 20770
Hannes W-R, Meier T. k.p-based multiband simulations of non-degenerate two-photon absorption in bulk GaAs. In: Betz M, Elezzabi AY, eds. Ultrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XXIV. Vol 11278. SPIE Proceedings. ; 2020:112780S. doi:10.1117/12.2545924
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2020 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 20563
Hannes W-R, Trautmann A, Stein M, Schäfer F, Koch M, Meier T. Strongly nonresonant four-wave mixing in semiconductors. Physical Review B. 2020;101(7):075203. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.101.075203
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2020 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 20772
Song X, Yang S, Zuo R, Meier T, Yang W. Enhanced high-order harmonic generation in semiconductors by excitation with multicolor pulses. Physical Review A. 2020;101. doi:10.1103/physreva.101.033410
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2020 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 20682
Bocchini A, Eigner C, Silberhorn C, Schmidt WG, Gerstmann U. Understanding gray track formation in KTP: Ti^3+ centers studied from first principles. Phys Rev Materials. 2020;4:124402. doi:10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.4.124402
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2020 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 20580
Ma X, Berger B, Aßmann M, et al. Realization of all-optical vortex switching in exciton-polariton condensates. Nature Communications. 2020;11(1):897. doi:10.1038/s41467-020-14702-5
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2020 | Conference Abstract | LibreCat-ID: 39966
Förstner J, Widhalm A, Mukherjee A, et al. Ultrafast electric control of a single QD exciton. In: 11th International Conference on Quantum Dots. ; 2020.

2020 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 24026
Kruse S, Kress C, Scheytt C, Kurz HG, Schneider T. Analysis and Simulation of a Wireless Phased Array System with Optical Carrier Distribution and an Optical IQ Return Path. In: GeMiC 2020 - German Microwave Conference. ; 2020.
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2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 23831
Baron E, Goldhahn R, Deppe M, As DJ, Feneberg M. Influence of the free-electron concentration on the optical properties of zincblende GaN up to 1×1020cm−3. Physical Review Materials. 2019. doi:10.1103/physrevmaterials.3.104603
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2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 7800
Henksmeier T, Shvarkov S, Trapp A, Reuter D. Molecular beam epitaxy growth and temperature-dependent electrical characterization of carbon-doped GaAs on GaAs(1 1 1)B. Journal of Crystal Growth. 2019;512:164-168. doi:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2019.02.006
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2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8646
Deppe M, Gerlach JW, Shvarkov S, et al. Germanium doping of cubic GaN grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Journal of Applied Physics. 2019. doi:10.1063/1.5066095
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2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8797 | OA
Sain B, Meier C, Zentgraf T. Nonlinear optics in all-dielectric nanoantennas and metasurfaces: a review. Advanced Photonics. 2019;1(2):024002. doi:10.1117/1.ap.1.2.024002
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2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9698
Golla C, Weber N, Meier C. Zinc oxide based dielectric nanoantennas for efficient nonlinear frequency conversion. Journal of Applied Physics. 2019;125(7). doi:10.1063/1.5082720
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2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9897
Protte M, Weber N, Golla C, Zentgraf T, Meier C. Strong nonlinear optical response from ZnO by coupled and lattice-matched nanoantennas. Journal of Applied Physics. 2019;125. doi:10.1063/1.5093257
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2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 11953
Frese D, Wei Q, Wang Y, Huang L, Zentgraf T. Nonreciprocal Asymmetric Polarization Encryption by Layered Plasmonic Metasurfaces. Nano Letters. 2019;19(6):3976-3980. doi:10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b01298
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