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346 Publications

2008 | Conference (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 2376
Brinkmann, A., & Karl, H. (Eds.). (2008). Proceedings of the 1. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch Virtualisierung. Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing, Paderborn University.

2008 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2380
Brinkmann, A., & Effert, S. (2008). Storage Cluster Architectures. In Proc. of the GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespr ̈ach Virtualisierung (pp. 107–115).

2008 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2382
Richert, W., Klompmaker, F., & Niehörster, O. (2008). Guiding exploration by combining individual learning and imitation in societies of autonomous robots. In Proc. IFIP Conf. on Biologically Inspired Cooperative Computing (BICC) (pp. 233–244). Springer.
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2008 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2383
Lietsch, S., & Hermann Lensing, P. (2008). GPU-Supported Image Compression for Remote Visualization - Realization and Benchmarking. In Proc. Int. Symp. on Visual Computing (ISVC) (Vol. 5358, pp. 658–668). Springer.
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2008 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 2384
Laroque, C., Lietsch, S., & Zabel, H. (2008). Computational Steering verteilter, interaktiver Materialflusssimulationen. In Augmented & Virtual Reality in der Produktentstehung (Vol. 232, pp. 221–239). Paderborn, Germany: Heinz Nixdorf Institut.

2008 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2386
Bienkowski, M., Brinkmann, A., & Korzeniowski, M. (2008). Degree 3 Suffices: A Large-Scale Overlay for P2P Networks. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Principles Of DIstributed Systems (OPODIS) (pp. 184–196). Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer.
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2008 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2387
Battre, D., Birkenheuer, G., Hovestadt, M., Kao, O., & Voss, K. (2008). Applying Risk Management to Support SLA Provisioning. In Proc. Cracow Grid Workshop (CGW).

2008 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2388
Battré, D., Kao, O., & Voss, K. (2008). Implementing WS-Agreement in a Globus Toolkit 4.0 Environment. In Proc. Usage of Service Level Agreements in Grids Workshop held in conjunction with International Conference on Grid Computing (pp. 409–418). Boston: Springer.
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2008 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2370
Woehrle, M., Plessl, C., Lim, R., Beutel, J., & Thiele, L. (2008). EvAnT: Analysis and Checking of event traces for Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Int. Conf. on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing (SUTC), 201–208.
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2008 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2364
Schumacher, T., Meiche, R., Kaufmann, P., Lübbers, E., Plessl, C., & Platzner, M. (2008). A Hardware Accelerator for k-th Nearest Neighbor Thinning. Proc. Int. Conf. on Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms (ERSA), 245–251.

2008 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2372
Schumacher, T., Plessl, C., & Platzner, M. (2008). IMORC: An infrastructure for performance monitoring and optimization of reconfigurable computers. Many-Core and Reconfigurable Supercomputing Conference (MRSC).

2007 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 1986
Battré, D., Hovestadt, M., Kao, O., Keller, A., & Voss, K. (2007). Planning-based Scheduling for SLA-awareness and Grid Integration. In Proc. Workshop of the UK PLANNING AND SCHEDULING Special Interest Group (PlanSIG).

2007 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 1988
Battré, D., Hovestadt, M., Kao, O., Keller, A., & Voss, K. (2007). Transparent Cross Border Migration of Parallel Multi Node Applications. In Proc. Cracow Grid Workshop, Academic Computer Center CYFRNET (pp. 334–341).

2007 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2389
Lietsch, S., & Marquardt, O. (2007). A CUDA-Supported Approach to Remote Rendering. In Proc. Int. Symp. on Visual Computing (ISVC) (Vol. 4841, pp. 724–733). Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer.

2007 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2390
Voss, K. (2007). Comparing Fault Tolerance Mechanisms for Self-Organizing Resource Management in Grids. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid (SKG) (pp. 50–55). Washington, DC: IEEE Computer Society.
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2007 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2391
Battré, D., Djemame, K., Kao, O., & Voss, K. (2007). Gaining Users’ Trust by Publishing Failure Probabilities. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Security and Privacy in Communications Networks (SecureComm) (pp. 193–198). IEEE.
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2007 | Report | LibreCat-ID: 2394
Beutel, J., Plessl, C., & Woehrle, M. (2007). Increasing the Reliability of Wireless Sensor Networks with a Unit Testing Framework. Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory, ETH Zurich.

2007 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2396
Voss, K., Djemame, K., Gourlay, I., & Padgett, J. (2007). AssessGrid, Economic Issues Underlying Risk Awareness in Grids. In J. Altmann & D. Veit (Eds.), Proc. Int. Worksh. on Grid Economics and Business Models (GECON) (Vol. 4685, pp. 170–175). Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer.
LibreCat | DOI

2007 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2397
Voss, K. (2007). Enhance Self-managing Grids by Risk Management. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Networking and Services (ICNS) (pp. 27–32). IEEE Computer Society.
LibreCat | DOI

2007 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2398
Lietsch, S., Zabel, H., & Berssenbruegge, J. (2007). Computational Steering of Interactive and Distributed Virtual Reality Applications. In Proc. ASME Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE). ASME.

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