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346 Publications

2004 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 1995
Burchard, Lars-Olof, et al. “Virtual Resource Manager: An Architecture for SLA-Aware Resource Management.” Proc. Int. Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGRID), 2004, doi:10.1109/CCGrid.2004.1336558.
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2004 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2416
Groppe, Sven, et al. “Efficient Querying of Transformed XML Documents.” Proc. Int. Conf. on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), 2004, pp. 241–50.

2004 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2417
Groppe, Sven, et al. “Using XSLT Stylesheets to Transform XPath Queries.” Proc. East-European Conf. on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS), 2004.

2003 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 1998
Hovestadt, Matthias, et al. “Scheduling in HPC Resource Management Systems: Queuing vs. Planning.” Proc. Workshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing (JSSPP), vol. 2862, 2003, pp. 1–20, doi:10.1007/10968987_1.
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2002 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2426
P. Miller, Barton, et al. “Performance Evaluation, Analysis and Optimization.” Proc. European Conf. on Parallel Processing (Euro-Par), vol. 2400, Springer, 2002, p. 131, doi:10.1007/3-540-45706-2_15.
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2001 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 1999
Keller, Axel, and Alexander Reinefeld. “Anatomy of a Resource Management System for HPC Clusters.” Annual Review of Scalable Computing, vol. 3, 2001, pp. 1–31, doi:10.1142/9789812810182_0001.
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2001 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2000
Gehring, Jörn, et al. “Early Experiences with the EGrid Testbed.” Proc. Int. Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGRID), 2001, pp. 130–37, doi:10.1109/CCGRID.2001.923185.
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2001 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2002
Keller, Axel, and Andreas Krawinkel. “Lessons Learned While Operating Two Large SCI Clusters.” Proc. Int. Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGRID), 2001, pp. 303–10, doi:10.1109/CCGRID.2001.923207.
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2001 | Report | LibreCat-ID: 2427
Hungershöfer, Jan, et al. Efficient Resource Management for Malleable Applications. Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing, 2001.

2001 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2431
Schintke, Florian, et al. “A Cache Simulator for Shared Memory Systems.” Proc. Int. Conf. on Computational Science (ICCS), vol. 2074, Springer, 2001, pp. 569–78, doi:10.1007/3-540-45718-6_62.
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2000 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2003
Baraglia, Ranieri, et al. “RsdEditor: A Graphical User Interface for Specifying Metacomputer Components.” Proc. Heterogenous Computing Workshop HCW at IPDPS, 2000, pp. 336–48, doi:10.1109/HCW.2000.843756.
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2000 | Dissertation | LibreCat-ID: 2434
Simon, Jens. Werkzeugunterstützte Effiziente Nutzung von Hochleistungsrechnern. Dr. Dirk Blunk Verlag, 2000.

1999 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2004
Brune, Matthias, et al. “Resource Management for High-Performance PC Clusters.” Proc. Int. Conf. on High-Performance Computing and Networking (HPCN), 1999, pp. 270–80, doi:10.1007/BFb0100588.
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1999 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 2005
Brune, Matthias, et al. “Specifying Resources and Services in Metacomputing Systems.” High-Performance Cluster Computing: Architecture and Systems, edited by R. Buya, 1999, pp. 186–200, doi:10.1016/S0167-8191(98)00076-3.
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1999 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 2007
Brune, Matthias, et al. “Managing Clusters of Geographically Distributed High-Performance Computers.” Concurrency, Practice, and Experience, vol. II(15), 1999, pp. 887–911, doi:10.1002/(SICI)1096-9128(19991225)11:15<887::AID-CPE459>3.0.CO;2-J.
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1999 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 2008
Brune, Matthias, et al. “Multi-User System Management on SCI Cluster.” SCI - Scalable Coherent Interface: Architecture and Software for High Performance Compute Clusters, edited by Hermann Hellwagner and Alexander Reinefeld, 1999, pp. 443–60, doi:10.1007/10704208_34.
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1999 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 2435
Simon, Jens, et al. “Large-Scale SCI Clusters in Practice: Architecture and Performance in SCI.” SCI: Scalable Coherent Interface. Architecture and Software for High-Performance Compute Clusters, edited by Hermann Hellwagner and Alexander Reinefeld, vol. 1734, Springer, 1999, pp. 367–81, doi:10.1007/10704208.
LibreCat | DOI

1999 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2436
Brune, Matthias, et al. “A Resource Description Environment for Distributed Computing Systems.” Proc. Int. Symp. High-Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC), IEEE Computer Society, 1999.

1998 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2009
Brune, Matthias, et al. “RSD - Resource and Service Description.” Proc. Int. Conf. on High-Performance Computing Systems (HPCS), 1998, doi:10.1007/978-1-4615-5611-4_18.
LibreCat | DOI

1998 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2011
Keller, Axel, and Alexander Reinefeld. “CCS Resource Management in Networked HPC Systems.” Proc. Heterogenous Computing Workshop (HCW) at IPPS, 1998, pp. 44–56, doi:10.1109/HCW.1998.666544.
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