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449 Publications

2012 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 16092
T. Fober, M. Mernberger, G. Klebe, and E. Hüllermeier, “Fingerprint kernels for protein structure comparison,” Molecular Informatics, vol. 31, no. 6–7, pp. 443–452, 2012.

2012 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 16093
E. Hüllermeier, M. Rifqi, S. Henzgen, and R. Senge, “Comparing fuzzy partitions: A generalization of the Rand index and related measures,” IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 546–556, 2012.

2012 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 16094
R. Senge, T. Fober, N. Nasiri, and E. Hüllermeier, “Fuzzy Pattern Trees: Ein alternativer Ansatz zur Fuzzy-Modellierung,” At-Atomatisierungstechnik, vol. 60, no. 10, pp. 622–629, 2012.

2012 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 13120
W. Cheng, E. Hüllermeier, W. Waegeman, and V. Welker, “Label ranking with partial abstention based on thresholded probalistic models,” in In Proceedings NIPS-2012, 26th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA, 2012.

2012 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 13191
W. Cheng and E. Hüllermeier, “Probability estimation for mulit-class classification based on label ranking,” in Proceedings ECML/PKDD-2012, European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Bristol, UK, 2012.

2012 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 13192
K. Dembczynski, W. Kotlowski, and E. Hüllermeier, “Consistent multilabel ranking through univariate loss minimization,” in in Proceedings ICML-2012,  International Conference on Machine Learning, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2012.

2012 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 13193
K. Dembczynski, W. Waegeman, and E. Hüllermeier, “An analysis of chaining in multi-label classification,” in In Proceedings ECAI-2012, 20th European Conference on Artificial Inteligence, Montpellier, France , 2012, pp. 294–299.

2012 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 10153
E. Hüllermeier, “Fuzzy rules in data mining: From fuzzy associations to gradual dependencies,” in Combining Experimentation and Theory, vol. 271, E. Trillas, P. P. Bonissone, L. Magdalena, and J. Kacprzyk, Eds. Springer, 2012, pp. 123–135.

2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 15762
K. Dembczynski, W. Waegeman, and E. Hüllermeier, “Joint mode estimation in multi-label classification by chaining,” in In Proceedings ECML Workshop on Collective inference and Learning on Structured Data, Athens, Greece, 2011.

2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 15764
M. Mernberger, D. Moog, S. Stork, S. Zauner, U. Maier, and E. Hüllermeier, “Prediction of protein localization for specialized compartments using time series kernels,” in In Proceedings GCB-2011 German Conference on Bioinformatics Munich, Germany, 2011.

2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 15115
M. Nasiri, E. Hüllermeier, R. Senge, and E. Lughofer, “Comparing methods for knowledge-driven and data-driven fuzzy modeling: A case study in textile industry,” in in Proceedings IFSA-2011 World Congress of the International Fuzzy Systems Association, Surabaya and Bali Island, Indonesia, 2011, p. RW-103-1-6.

2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 15116
E. Lughofer and E. Hüllermeier, “On-line redundancy deletion in evolving fuzzy regression models using a fuzzy inclusion measure,” in in Proceedings EUSFLAT-2011 7th International Conference on the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology, Aix-les-Bains, France, 2011, pp. 380–387.

2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 15117
A. Fallah Tehrani, W. Cheng, and E. Hüllermeier, “Choquistic regression: Generalizing logistic regression using the Choquet integral,” in in Proceedings EUSFLAT-2011 7th International Conference on the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology, Aix-les-Bains, France, 2011, pp. 868–875.

2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 16119
O. Hirsch, S. Bösner, E. Hüllermeier, R. Senge, K. Dembczynski, and N. Donner-Banzhoff, “Multivariate modeling to identify patterns in clinical data: The example of chest pain,” BMC Medical Research Methodology, vol. 11, no. 155, 2011.

2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 16126
C. Domshlak, E. Hüllermeier, S. Kaci, and H. Prade, “Preferences in AL: An overview,” Artificial Intelligence, vol. 175, no. 7–8, pp. 1037–1052, 2011.

2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 16147
E. Hüllermeier, “Fuzzy machine learning and data mining,” WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 269–283, 2011.

2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 16148
M. Mernberger, G. Klebe, and E. Hüllermeier, “SEGA: Semi-global graph alignment for structure-based protein comparison,” IEEE/ACM Transactions of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 1330–1343, 2011.

2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 16149
T. Fober, S. Glinca, G. Klebe, and E. Hüllermeier, “Superposition and alignment of labeled point clouds,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 1653–1666, 2011.

2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 16150
E. Hüllermeier, “Fuzzy sets in machine learning and data mining,” Applied Soft Computing Journal, pp. 1493–1505, 2011.

2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 16153
R. Senge and E. Hüllermeier, “Top-down induction of fuzzy pattern trees,” IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 241–252, 2011.

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