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9759 Publications
2008 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 54122
Meyer-Hamme, Johannes, and Bodo von Borries. “‘Sinnbildung über Zeiterfahrung’? Geschichtslernen im Spannungsfeld von Subjekt- und Institutionsperspektive.” Sinnkonstruktion und Bildungsgang. Zur Bedeutung individueller Sinnzuschreibungen im Kontext schulischer Lehr-Lern-Prozesse (Studien zur Bildungsgangforschung, Bd. 24), edited by Hans-Christoph Koller, 2008, pp. 107–35.
2008 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 54120
Meyer-Hamme, Johannes. “Lernorte und historische Identitäten.” Orte historischen Lernens, edited by Saskia Handro and Bernd Schönemann, 2008, pp. 75–87.
2008 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18663 |

Peckhaus, Volker. “Bolzano, Bernard, On the Mathematical Method and Correspondence with Exner, transl. by Paul Rusnock/Rolf George, Amsterdam: Rodopi (Studien zur Österreichischen Philosophie; 37).” zbMATH Open, Zbl. 1132.01001, Zbl. 1132.01001, 2008.
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2008 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18830
Peckhaus, Volker. “Aczel, Amir D., The Artist and the Mathematician. The Story of Nicolas Bourbaki, the Genius Mathematician Who Never Existed, Thunder’s Mouth Press: New York 2006.” Mathematical Reviews, MR2339913 (2008h:01020) , MR2449923 (2008h:01020), 2008.
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2008 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18664 |

Peckhaus, Volker. “Ekeland, Ivar, ‘The Best of All Possible Worlds. Mathematics and Destiny’, University of Chicago Press: Chicago, IL 2006.” zbMATH Open, Zbl. 1133.01002, Zbl. 1133.01002, 2008.
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2008 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18654 |

Peckhaus, Volker. “Lorenz, Kuno, ‘Logic as Tool of Science versus Logic as a Scientific Subject’, in: Johan van Benthem et al. (Eds.), The Age of Alternative Logics. Assessing Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics Today. Based on the Conference on Philosophical Insights into Logic and Mathematics, Nancy, France, September 30–October 4, 2002, Dordrecht: Springer 2006, 299–310.” ZbMATH Open, Zbl. 1126.03011, Zbl. 1126.03011, 2008.
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2008 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18659 |

Peckhaus, Volker. “Vidal-Rosset, Joseph, ‘Does Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem Prove that Truth Transcends Proof’, in: van Bentham et al. (eds.), The Age of Alternative Logics. Assessing Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics Today, Dordrecht: Springer 2006, 51–73.” zbMATH Open, Zbl. 1131.03004, Zbl. 1131.03004, 2008.
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2008 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18652 |

Peckhaus, Volker. “Wilholt, Torsten, Zahl und Wirklichkeit. Eine philosophische Untersuchung über die Anwendbarkeit der Mathematik, mentis Verlag: Paderborn 2004.” zbMATH Open, Zbl. 1125.00005, Zbl.1125.00005, 2008.
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2008 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 17802
Peckhaus, Volker. “Special Issue: Leopold Löwenheim (1878-1957). Edited by C. Thiel, History and Philosophy of Logic, Vol. 28, No. 4 (November 2007). Taylor & Francis, Abingdon, Oxon, UK, Pp. 289–336.” Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, vol. 14, 2008, pp. 272–73.
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2008 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 17797 |

Peckhaus, Volker. “Simon Blackburn, The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy, Second Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.” History and Philosophy of Logic, vol. 29, 2008, pp. 87–88.
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2008 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18657 |

Peckhaus, Volker. “Bueno, Otávio/Zalta, Edward N., ‘A Nominalist’s Dilemma and its Solution’, Philosophia Mathematica (3) 13 (2005), 294-307.” zbMATH Open, Zbl. 1129.00001, Zbl. 1120.00001, 2008.
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2008 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18666 |

Peckhaus, Volker. “Leng, Mary, ‘Revolutionary Fictionalism: A Call to Arms’, Philosophia Mathematica (3) 13 (2005), 277–293.” zbMATH Open, Zbl. 1141.00006, Zbl. 1141.00006, 2008.
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2008 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18661 |

Peckhaus, Volker. “Mancosu, Paolo, ‘Mathematical Explanation: Problems and Prospects’, Topoi 20 (2001), 97–117.” zbMATH Open, Zbl. 1141.00007, Zbl. 1131.00007, 2008.
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2008 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18829
Peckhaus, Volker. “Proops, Ian, ‘Russell and the Universalist Conception of Logic’, Noûs 41 (2007), 1–32.” Mathematical Reviews, MR2310334 (2008a:03003), MR2310334 (2008a:03003), 2008.
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2008 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18653 |

Peckhaus, Volker. “Hauser, Kai, ‘Gödel’s Program Revisited. I: The Turn to Phenomenology’, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 12 (2006), 529–590.” zbMATH Open, Zbl. 1126.03010, Zbl. 1126.03010, 2008.
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2008 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9244
Mildorf, Jarmila. “Female-on-Male Violence: Medical Responses and Popular Imagination.” Gender and Interpersonal Violence: Language, Action and Representation, edited by Karen Throsby and Flora Alexander, Palgrave, 2008, pp. 157–70.
2008 | Special Issue | LibreCat-ID: 9199
Hyvärinen, Matti, et al., editors. “Narrative: Knowing, Living, Telling.” Partial Answers, vol. 6, no. 2, Partial Answers 6(2), 2008, pp. 225–512.
2008 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 9215
Mildorf, Jarmila. “Thought Presentation and Constructed Dialogue in Oral Storytelling: Limits and Possibilities of a Cross-Disciplinary Narratology.” Partial Answers, vol. 6, no. 2, 2008, pp. 279–300.
2008 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 54344 |

Hartig, Christine. “Gerald Holton, Gerald Sonnert: What Happened to the Children Who Fled Nazi Persecution, Basingstoke 2006.” H-Soz-Kult, 2008.
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2008 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55225
Milkov, Nikolay. “Russell’s Debt to Lotze.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, Part A, vol. 39, no. 2, 2008, pp. 186–93.