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216 Publications

2018 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 6839
Doherty, S., Dongol, B., Wehrheim, H., & Derrick, J. (2018). Brief Announcement: Generalising Concurrent Correctness to Weak Memory. In 32nd International Symposium on Distributed Computing, {DISC} 2018, New Orleans, LA, USA, October 15-19, 2018 (pp. 45:1-45:3).
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2018 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 1043
Isenberg, T., Jakobs, M.-C., Pauck, F., & Wehrheim, H. (2018). Validity of Software Verification Results on Approximate Hardware. IEEE Embedded Systems Letters, 22–25.
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2018 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 1096
Beyer, D., Jakobs, M.-C., Lemberger, T., & Wehrheim, H. (2018). Reducer-Based Construction of Conditional Verifiers. In Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) (pp. 1182--1193). Gothenburg, Sweden: ACM.
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2017 | Mastersthesis | LibreCat-ID: 3512
Börding, P. (2017). Testing Java Method Contracts. Universität Paderborn.

2017 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 3155
Töws, M., & Wehrheim, H. (2017). Policy Dependent and Independent Information Flow Analyses. In Z. Duan & L. Ong (Eds.), Formal Methods and Software Engineering - 19th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods, {ICFEM} 2017, Xi’an, China, November 13-17, 2017, Proceedings (pp. 362--378).
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2017 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 3156
König, J., & Wehrheim, H. (2017). Value-Based or Conflict-Based? Opacity Definitions for STMs. In D. Van Hung & D. Kapur (Eds.), Theoretical Aspects of Computing - {ICTAC} 2017 - 14th International Colloquium, Hanoi, Vietnam, October 23-27, 2017, Proceedings (pp. 118--135).
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2017 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 114
Jakobs, M.-C., & Wehrheim, H. (2017). Compact Proof Witnesses. In C. Barrett, M. Davies, & T. Kahsai (Eds.), NASA Formal Methods: 9th International Symposium (pp. 389–403).
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2017 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 115
Jakobs, M.-C., Krämer, J., van Straaten, D., & Lettmann, T. (2017). Certification Matters for Service Markets. In T. P. Marcelo De Barros, Janusz Klink,Tadeus Uhl (Ed.), The Ninth International Conferences on Advanced Service Computing (SERVICE COMPUTATION) (pp. 7–12).
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2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 90
Isenberg, T. (2017). Incremental Inductive Verification of Parameterized Timed Systems. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, (2), 47:1-47:24.
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2017 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5769
Töws, M., & Wehrheim, H. (2017). Policy Dependent and Independent Information Flow Analyses. In Formal Methods and Software Engineering - 19th International Conference  on Formal Engineering Methods (ICFEM 2017) (pp. 362–378). Springer International Publishing.
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2017 | Dissertation | LibreCat-ID: 707
Walther, S. (2017). Knowledge-based Verification of Service Compositions. Universität Paderborn.
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2017 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 71
Czech, M., Hüllermeier, E., Jakobs, M.-C., & Wehrheim, H. (2017). Predicting Rankings of Software Verification Tools. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Software Analytics (pp. 23–26).
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2017 | Report | LibreCat-ID: 72
Czech, M., Hüllermeier, E., Jakobs, M.-C., & Wehrheim, H. (2017). Predicting Rankings of Software Verification Competitions.
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2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 68
Isenberg, T., Platzner, M., Wehrheim, H., & Wiersema, T. (2017). Proof-Carrying Hardware via Inductive Invariants. ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, (4), 61:1--61:23.
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2017 | Dissertation | LibreCat-ID: 685
Jakobs, M.-C. (2017). On-The-Fly Safety Checking - Customizing Program Certification and Program Restructuring. Universität Paderborn.
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2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 69
Jakobs, M.-C., & Wehrheim, H. (2017). Programs from Proofs: A Framework for the Safe Execution of Untrusted Software. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, (2), 7:1-7:56.
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2017 | Mastersthesis | LibreCat-ID: 109 | OA
Pauck, F. (2017). Cooperative static analysis of Android applications. Universität Paderborn.
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2016 | Bachelorsthesis | LibreCat-ID: 201
Bröcher, H. (2016). Evaluation von Graphpartitionierungsalgorithmen im Kontext von Konfigurierbarer Softwarezertifizierung. Universität Paderborn.

2016 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 3157
Beringer, S., & Wehrheim, H. (2016). Verification of AUTOSAR Software Architectures with Timed Automata. In M. H. ter Beek, S. Gnesi, & A. Knapp (Eds.), Critical Systems: Formal Methods and Automated Verification - Joint 21st International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems and 16th International Workshop on Automated Verification of Critical Systems, FMICS-AVoCS 2016, Pisa, Italy, September 26-28, 2016, Proceedings (pp. 189--204).
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2016 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 3158
Travkin, O., & Wehrheim, H. (2016). Verification of Concurrent Programs on Weak Memory Models. In A. Sampaio & F. Wang (Eds.), Theoretical Aspects of Computing - {ICTAC} 2016 - 13th International Colloquium, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, October 24-31, 2016, Proceedings (pp. 3--24).
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