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4170 Publications
2008 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 15954
T. Tröster, C. Howe, M. Müller, and W. Rostek, “Development status and market potential of hot formed ballistic steels,” presented at the Steels in Cars and Trucks, Wiesbaden, 2008.
2008 | Patent | LibreCat-ID: 9572
V. Rischmueller et al., “Patent EP2156480: Piezoelektrische Antriebsvorrichtung / Piezoelectric Drive Unit.” 2008.
2008 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 33878
T. Tröster, W. Rostek, J. Böke, and R. Erhardt, “Einsatz von Simulationswerkzeugen in der Entwicklungskette von ultrahochfesten warmgeformten Strukturkomponenten im Fahrzeugleichtbau,” in Ein wesentlicher Beitrag zur Klimadebatte, Berlin, 2008, vol. 675.
2008 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 35275
B. Magyar and P. Horák, “Geometrical modeling and investigation of the contact relations of spatial gears,” 2008, p. G-2008-A-12.
2008 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 35283
Magyar B. and Horák P., “Geometrische Modellierung und Untersuchung der Berührungsverhältnisse bei den Räumlichenverzahnungen,” GÉP, vol. LIX, no. 4, pp. 28–30, 2008.
2008 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 35282
Magyar B. and Horák P., “Modellierung der Berührungsverhältnisse von Hohflanken-Schneckenradsätzen,” GÉP, vol. LIX, no. 10–11, pp. 44–47, 2008.
2008 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 26267
R. Mahnken, “Finite Deformation Elasto-Plasticity for Simulation of Strength Difference in Adhesive Materials with an Algorithm in Principal Directions,” Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, pp. 514–527, 2008, doi: 10.1080/15376490802142718.
2008 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 26258
K.-H. Sauerland, F.-B. Gockel, R. Mahnken, and F. Ferber, “Damage analysis under thermal shock loading using eddy current sensors,” Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, pp. 3–18, 2008, doi: 10.1080/10589750802195451.
2008 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 26274
R. Mahnken, A. Shaban, H. Potente, and L. Wilke, “Thermoviscoplastic modelling of asymmetric effects for polymers at large strains,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, pp. 4615–4628, 2008, doi: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2008.03.033.
2008 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 26261
R. Mahnken, A. Schneidt, and T. Antretter, “Macro modelling and homogenization for transformation induced plasticity of a low-alloy steel,” International Journal of Plasticity, pp. 183–204, 2008, doi: 10.1016/j.ijplas.2008.03.005.
2008 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 23267
I. Koke, W. H. Müller, F. Ferber, R. Mahnken, and H. Funke, “Measuring mechanical parameters in glass fiber-reinforced composites: Standard evaluation techniques enhanced by photogrammetry,” Composites Science and Technology, vol. 68, no. Issue 5, pp. 1156–1164, 2008.
2008 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 26271
H. Potente, L. Wilke, H. Ridder, R. Mahnken, and A. Shaban, “Simulation of the residual stresses in the contour laser welding of thermoplastics,” Polymer Engineering & Science, pp. 767–773, 2008, doi: 10.1002/pen.20999.
2008 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 26275
R. Mahnken, “Material forces for crack analysis of functionally graded materials in adaptively refined FE-meshes,” International Journal of Fracture, pp. 269–283, 2008, doi: 10.1007/s10704-008-9175-9.
2008 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 28208
F. Ferber, F.-B. Gockel, T. Hampel, T. Pawlak, and R. Mahnken, “Homogeneous Administration of Experiments in Material Science for Configuration, Monitoring and Analysis,” in Experimental Analysis of Nano and Engineering Materials and Structures, Dordrecht, 2008.
2008 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 26256
R. Mahnken, “Geometry update driven by material forces for simulation of brittle crack growth in functionally graded materials,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, pp. 1753–1788, 2008, doi: 10.1002/nme.2468.
2008 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 19130
I. Caylak and R. Mahnken, “On the stabilization of tetrahedral finite elements using volume and area bubble functions,” PAMM, pp. 4040013–4040014, 2008, doi: 10.1002/pamm.200700224.