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4169 Publications
2003 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 23338
@article{Mehl_Trächtler_2003, title={Entwicklung integrierter Fahrdynamikregelsysteme von der Idee bis zur Erprobung im Fahrzeug}, journal={}, author={Mehl, Volker and Trächtler, Ansgar}, year={2003} }
2003 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 23339
@inproceedings{Koch_Harchenko_Rustemeier_Nyenhuis_2003, place={Fulda}, title={Methoden für den Entwurf mechatronischer Systeme, dargestellt am Beispiel einer vollaktiven, integrierten Radaufhängung}, booktitle={5. VDI-Mechatroniktagung}, author={Koch, Thorsten and Harchenko, Jewgenij and Rustemeier, Carsten and Nyenhuis, Markus}, year={2003} }
2003 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 23340
@article{Sackmann_Trächtler_2003, title={Nichtlineare Fahrdynamikregelung mit einer aktiven Vorderachslenkung zur Verbesserung des Seitenwindverhaltens}, volume={51}, journal={at-Automatisierungstechnik}, author={Sackmann, Martin and Trächtler, Ansgar}, year={2003}, pages={535-546,} }
2003 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 23341
@article{Trächtler_Verhagen_2003, title={Vehicle Dynamics Management Verbund von ESP, aktiver Lenkung und aktivem Fahrwerk}, journal={5. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium Kraftfahrzeuge und Verbrennungsmotoren}, author={Trächtler, Ansgar and Verhagen, Armin}, year={2003}, pages={468-477,} }
2003 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 23342
@article{Albert_Strasser_Trächtler_2003, title={Migration from CAN to TTCAN for a Distributed Control System}, journal={Proc. 9th international CAN Conference}, author={Albert, Amos and Strasser, R. and Trächtler, Ansgar}, year={2003}, pages={05-9-05-16,} }
2003 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 8933
@inproceedings{Götting_Sextro_Panning_Popp_2003, title={Schwingungsverhalten von verstimmten Beschaufelungen mit Reibelementen}, booktitle={Schwingungen in rotierenden Maschinen VI SIRM, Referate der Tagung in Darmstadt}, publisher={Vieweg-Verlag}, author={Götting, Florian and Sextro, Walter and Panning, Lars and Popp, Karl}, editor={Irretier , H and Nordmann, R and Springer, HEditors}, year={2003}, pages={201–210} }
2003 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8934
@article{Genzo_Sextro_Popp_2003, title={Erzwungene Schwingungen von elastischen Mehrkörpersystemen mit Reibkontakten}, volume={2}, DOI={10.1002/pamm.200310046}, number={1}, journal={PAMM}, publisher={WILEY-VCH Verlag}, author={Genzo, Alexander and Sextro, Walter and Popp, Karl}, year={2003}, pages={120–121} }
2003 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 8935
@inproceedings{Hemsel_Wallaschek_2003, title={Modelling and Analysis of Piezoelectric Transformers}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 5th International Congress of Intelligent Materials (ICIM)}, author={Hemsel, Tobias and Wallaschek, Jörg}, year={2003} }
2003 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 8936
@inproceedings{Littmann_Hemsel_Kauczor_Wallaschek_Sinha_2003, title={Load-adaptive phase-controller for resonant driven piezoelectric devices}, booktitle={Proceedings of World Congress Ultrasonics}, author={Littmann, Walter and Hemsel, Tobias and Kauczor, Christopher and Wallaschek, Jörg and Sinha, W}, year={2003}, pages={547–550} }
2003 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8937
@article{Panning_Sextro_Popp_2003, title={Design of Friction Dampers for Mistuned Bladed Disks}, volume={3}, DOI={10.1002/pamm.200310336}, number={1}, journal={PAMM}, publisher={WILEY-VCH Verlag}, author={Panning, Lars and Sextro, Walter and Popp, Karl}, year={2003}, pages={118–119} }
2003 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8938
@article{Panning_Sextro_Popp_2003, title={Spatial dynamics of tuned and mistuned bladed disks with cylindrical and wedge-shaped friction dampers}, volume={9}, number={3}, journal={International Journal of Rotating Machinery}, publisher={Hindawi Publishing Corporation}, author={Panning, Lars and Sextro, Walter and Popp, Karl}, year={2003}, pages={219–228} }
2003 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8939
@article{Popp_Panning_Sextro_2003, title={Vibration Damping by Friction Forces -Theory and Applications}, volume={9}, journal={Journal of Vibration and Control}, author={Popp, Karl and Panning, Lars and Sextro, Walter}, year={2003}, pages={419–448} }
2003 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 8940
@inproceedings{Sextro_Popp_2003, place={Frankfurt am Main, Germany}, title={Optimierung des Schwingungsverhaltens elastischer Strukturen mit Reibfugen am Beispiel von Turbomaschinenschaufeln}, number={753}, booktitle={Forschungsvereinigung Verbrennungskraftmaschinen (FW)}, author={Sextro, Walter and Popp, Karl}, year={2003}, pages={40} }
2003 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 8941
@inproceedings{Szwedowicz_Sextro_Visser_Masserey_2003, place={Atlanta, Georgia, USA}, title={On forced vibration of shrouded turbine blades}, DOI={doi:10.1115/GT2003-38808}, number={GT2003-38808}, booktitle={ASME Turbo Expo 2003, collocated with the 2003 International Joint Power Generation Conference}, author={Szwedowicz, J and Sextro, Walter and Visser, R and Masserey, P.A}, year={2003} }
2003 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 28783
@article{Mahnken_2003, title={Creep simulation of asymmetric effects by use of stress mode dependent weighting functions}, DOI={10.1016/s0020-7683(03)00388-3}, journal={International Journal of Solids and Structures}, author={Mahnken, Rolf}, year={2003}, pages={6189–6209} }
2003 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 45415
@inbook{Stein_Zhang_Huang_Mahnken_Wiechmann_2003, place={Weinheim, FRG}, title={Theoretical and Computational Shakedown Analysis of Non-Linear Kinematic Hardening Material and Transition to Ductile Fracture}, DOI={10.1002/3527600116.ch11}, booktitle={Plasticity of Metals}, publisher={Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH}, author={Stein, Erwin and Zhang, Genbao and Huang, Yuejun and Mahnken, Rolf and Wiechmann, Karin}, year={2003} }
2003 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 45414
@inbook{Mahnken_Stein_2003, place={Weinheim, FRG}, title={Parameter Identification for Inelastic Constitutive Equations Based on Uniform and Non-Uniform Stress and Strain Distributions}, DOI={10.1002/3527600116.ch12}, booktitle={Plasticity of Metals}, publisher={Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH}, author={Mahnken, Rolf and Stein, Erwin}, year={2003} }
2002 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 21049
@inproceedings{Meschut_2002, title={Untersuchungen zum Crashverhalten geklebter und hybrid gefügter Stahlblech-verbindungen}, booktitle={Gemeinsame Forschung in der Klebtechnik, 2. Kolloquium der DECHEMA, DVS, Studiengesellschaft Stahlanwendung und FAT}, author={Meschut, Gerson}, year={2002}, pages={35–38} }
2002 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 21050
@article{Hahn_Koyro_Meschut_2002, title={Lipirea în combinatie cu îmbinarile obtinute prin deformare}, volume={2}, journal={sudura}, author={Hahn, O. and Koyro, M. and Meschut, Gerson}, year={2002}, pages={10–13} }
2002 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 21051
@article{Meschut_2002, title={Umformen und Kleben – Fügeverfahren mit neuen Herausforderungen für die Materialprüfung}, volume={44}, number={7–8}, journal={MP Materialprüfung}, author={Meschut, Gerson}, year={2002}, pages={287–294} }