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2 Publications

2012 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 38359
RF-Pilot-based Nonlinearity Compensation in Frequency Domain for CO-OFDM Transmission
O. Jan, M. El-Darawy, K. Puntsri, A. Al-Bermani, R. Noé, in: B. Eggleton, A. Gaeta, N. Broderick (Eds.), NONLINEAR OPTICS AND APPLICATIONS VI, 2012.
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2012 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 38309
RF-Pilot-based Nonlinearity Compensation in Frequency Domain for CO-OFDM Transmission
O. Jan, M. El-Darawy, K. Puntsri, A. Al-Bermani, R. Noé, in: B. Eggleton, A. Gaeta, N. Broderick (Eds.), NONLINEAR OPTICS AND APPLICATIONS VI, 2012.
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