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2988 Publications
2018 | Working Paper | LibreCat-ID: 29259 |

@book{Steinhardt_Schneijderberg_Krücken_Baumann_2018, place={Kassel}, series={Incher Working Paper}, title={Externe und interne Qualitätssicherung von Studium und Lehre durch Akkreditierungs- und Evaluationsverfahren}, volume={9}, DOI={10.13140/RG.2.2.23858.71363}, publisher={Incher-Kassel}, author={Steinhardt, Isabel and Schneijderberg, Christian and Krücken, Georg and Baumann, Janosch}, year={2018}, collection={Incher Working Paper} }
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2018 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5831 |

@inproceedings{Wolters_Heindorf_Kirchhoff_Engels_2018, place={Cham}, title={Semantic Data Mediator: Linking Services to Websites}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-319-91764-1_36}, booktitle={Service-Oriented Computing -- ICSOC 2017 Workshops}, publisher={Springer International Publishing}, author={Wolters, Dennis and Heindorf, Stefan and Kirchhoff, Jonas and Engels, Gregor}, editor={Braubach, Lars and Murillo, Juan M. and Kaviani, Nima and Lama, Manuel and Burgueño, Loli and Moha, Naouel and Oriol, Marc}, year={2018}, pages={388–392} }
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2018 | Conference Abstract | LibreCat-ID: 1379 |

@inproceedings{Seemann_Geierhos_Merten_Tophinke_Wever_Hüllermeier_2018, title={Supporting the Cognitive Process in Annotation Tasks}, booktitle={Postersession Computerlinguistik der 40. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft}, author={Seemann, Nina and Geierhos, Michaela and Merten, Marie-Luis and Tophinke, Doris and Wever, Marcel Dominik and Hüllermeier, Eyke}, editor={Eckart, Kerstin and Schlechtweg, Dominik }, year={2018} }
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2018 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 3873 |

@inproceedings{Blömer_Eidens_Juhnke_2018, series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, title={Enhanced Security of Attribute-Based Signatures}, volume={11124}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-030-00434-7_12}, booktitle={The International Conference on Cryptology And Network Security (CANS)}, publisher={Springer}, author={Blömer, Johannes and Eidens, Fabian and Juhnke, Jakob}, year={2018}, pages={235–255}, collection={Lecture Notes in Computer Science} }
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2018 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2379 |

@inproceedings{Blömer_Bobolz, series={LNCS}, title={Delegatable Attribute-based Anonymous Credentials from Dynamically Malleable Signatures}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-319-93387-0_12}, booktitle={ACNS 2018 Applied Cryptography & Network security}, author={Blömer, Johannes and Bobolz, Jan}, collection={LNCS} }
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2018 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 34498 |

@article{Gorges_Neumann_Wild_Stranghöner_Lütje-Klose_2018, title={Reciprocal effects between self-concept of ability and performance: A longitudinal study of children with learning disabilities in inclusive versus exclusive elementary education}, volume={61}, DOI={10.1016/j.lindif.2017.11.005}, journal={Learning and Individual Differences}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Gorges, Julia and Neumann, Phillip and Wild, Elke and Stranghöner, Daniela and Lütje-Klose, Birgit}, year={2018}, pages={11–20} }
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2018 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 34495 |

@article{Wild_Lütje-Klose_Neumann_Gorges_2018, title={Die Bielefelder Längsschnittstudie zum Lernen in inklusiven und exklusiven Förderarrangements (BiLieF) – Zentrale Befunde}, volume={110}, DOI={10.31244/dds.2018.02.02}, number={2}, journal={DDS – Die Deutsche Schule}, publisher={Waxmann}, author={Wild, Elke and Lütje-Klose, Birgit and Neumann, Phillip and Gorges, Julia}, year={2018}, pages={109–123} }
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2018 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 29923 |

@inproceedings{Watanabe_Hori_Karita_Hayashi_Nishitoba_Unno_Enrique Yalta Soplin_Heymann_Wiesner_Chen_et al._2018, title={ESPnet: End-to-End Speech Processing Toolkit}, DOI={10.21437/Interspeech.2018-1456}, booktitle={INTERSPEECH 2018, Hyderabad, India}, author={Watanabe, Shinji and Hori, Takaaki and Karita, Shigeki and Hayashi, Tomoki and Nishitoba, Jiro and Unno, Yuya and Enrique Yalta Soplin, Nelson and Heymann, Jahn and Wiesner, Matthew and Chen, Nanxin and et al.}, year={2018}, pages={2207–2211} }
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2018 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 36268 |

@inbook{Weber_2018, place={Bielefeld}, title={Big Data-Kriege. Über Tötungslisten, Drohnen und die Politik der Datenbanken}, booktitle={Machine Learning – Medien, Infrastrukturen und Technologien der Künstlichen Intelligenz}, publisher={transcript}, author={Weber, Jutta}, editor={Engemann, Christoph and Sudmann, Andreas}, year={2018}, pages={219–246} }
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2018 | Report | LibreCat-ID: 36411 |

@book{Becker_Heidgen_Lauert_Witschel_2018, series={H-Net}, title={Tagungsbericht: Kulturen der Moral – Moral Cultures. Internationale und interdisziplinäre Tagung in Kooperation mit der DGEJ vom 19. bis 22. September 2018 an der Universität Paderborn.}, author={Becker, Rieke and Heidgen, Michael and Lauert, Markus and Witschel, Verena}, year={2018}, collection={H-Net} }
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2018 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27119 |

@article{Schneijderberg_Steinhardt_2018, title={Accreditation of X Qualities Instead of Quality X: A Normative Analysis of Criteria of the German Higher Education Accreditation Regime}, DOI={10.1057/s41307-018-0111-y}, journal={Higher Education Policy}, author={Schneijderberg, Christian and Steinhardt, Isabel}, year={2018}, pages={5–28} }
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2018 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 12899 |

@inproceedings{Boeddeker_Heitkaemper_Schmalenstroeer_Drude_Heymann_Haeb-Umbach_2018, title={Front-End Processing for the CHiME-5 Dinner Party Scenario}, booktitle={Proc. CHiME 2018 Workshop on Speech Processing in Everyday Environments, Hyderabad, India}, author={Boeddeker, Christoph and Heitkaemper, Jens and Schmalenstroeer, Joerg and Drude, Lukas and Heymann, Jahn and Haeb-Umbach, Reinhold}, year={2018} }
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2018 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 11747 |

@inproceedings{Grimm_Breddermann_Farhoud_Fei_Warsitz_Haeb-Umbach_2018, title={Discrimination of Stationary from Moving Targets with Recurrent Neural Networks in Automotive Radar}, booktitle={International Conference on Microwaves for Intelligent Mobility (ICMIM) 2018}, author={Grimm, Christopher and Breddermann, Tobias and Farhoud, Ridha and Fei, Tai and Warsitz, Ernst and Haeb-Umbach, Reinhold}, year={2018} }
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2018 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 11907 |

@inproceedings{Glarner_Hanebrink_Ebbers_Haeb-Umbach_2018, title={Full Bayesian Hidden Markov Model Variational Autoencoder for Acoustic Unit Discovery}, booktitle={INTERSPEECH 2018, Hyderabad, India}, author={Glarner, Thomas and Hanebrink, Patrick and Ebbers, Janek and Haeb-Umbach, Reinhold}, year={2018} }
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2018 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 49130 |

@article{Philippi_2018, title={Der ‚Verlust der natürlichen Selbstverständlichkeit‘ in Phänomenologie und Psychopathologie}, volume={1}, DOI={10.11588/ICP.2018.1.48066}, journal={InterCultural Philosophy}, author={Philippi, Martina}, year={2018}, pages={58–82} }
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2018 | Dissertation | LibreCat-ID: 47944 |

@book{Rüsing_2018, place={Paderborn}, title={In depth Raman analysis of the ferroelectrics KTiOPO4 and LiNbO3: role of domain boundaries and defect}, DOI={10.17619/UNIPB/1-282}, publisher={Universitätsbibliothek Paderborn}, author={Rüsing, Michael}, year={2018} }
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2018 | Dissertation | LibreCat-ID: 48222 |

@book{Kilsbach_2018, place={Gießen}, title={Wortschatzerweiterung in autonomen Erwerbskontexten}, publisher={Gießener Elektronische Beiträge}, author={Kilsbach, Sebastian}, year={2018} }
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2018 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 11838 |

@inproceedings{Schmalenstroeer_Haeb-Umbach_2018, title={Efficient Sampling Rate Offset Compensation - An Overlap-Save Based Approach}, booktitle={26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2018)}, author={Schmalenstroeer, Joerg and Haeb-Umbach, Reinhold}, year={2018} }
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2018 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 11876 |

@inproceedings{Kitza_Michel_Boeddeker_Heitkaemper_Menne_Schlüter_Ney_Schmalenstroeer_Drude_Heymann_et al._2018, title={The RWTH/UPB System Combination for the CHiME 2018 Workshop}, booktitle={Proc. CHiME 2018 Workshop on Speech Processing in Everyday Environments, Hyderabad, India}, author={Kitza, Markus and Michel, Wilfried and Boeddeker, Christoph and Heitkaemper, Jens and Menne, Tobias and Schlüter, Ralf and Ney, Hermann and Schmalenstroeer, Joerg and Drude, Lukas and Heymann, Jahn and et al.}, year={2018} }
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2018 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 11836 |

@inproceedings{Ebbers_Heitkaemper_Schmalenstroeer_Haeb-Umbach_2018, title={Benchmarking Neural Network Architectures for Acoustic Sensor Networks}, booktitle={ITG 2018, Oldenburg, Germany}, author={Ebbers, Janek and Heitkaemper, Jens and Schmalenstroeer, Joerg and Haeb-Umbach, Reinhold}, year={2018} }
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