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2988 Publications
2005 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18511 |

@article{Peckhaus_2005, title={Bochenski, Joseph M., Formale Logik, 5. unveränderte Aufl., Karl Alber: Freiburg/München 2002}, journal={zbMATH Open, Zbl. 1056.03001}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2005} }
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2005 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18516 |

@article{Peckhaus_2005, title={Vandoulakis, Ioannis, “Was Euclid’s Approach to Arithmetic Axiomatic?”, Oriens Occidens 2 (1998), 141–181}, journal={zbMATH Open, Zbl. 1060.01003}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2005} }
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2005 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18512 |

@article{Peckhaus_2005, title={Griffin, Nicholas (Hg.), The Cambridge Companion to Bertrand Russell, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge 2003}, journal={zbMATH Open, Zbl. 1056.03002}, author={Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2005} }
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2005 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55818 |

@article{Kepper_2005, title={Zum möglichen Einsatz digitaler Editionsformen bei Musiker-Gesamtausgaben am Beispiel des Edirom-Projekts}, volume={7}, journal={Jahrbuch für Computerphilologie}, author={Kepper, Johannes}, year={2005}, pages={7–26} }
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2005 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 37205 |

@inbook{Weber_2005, place={Wien}, title={Vom ‚Teufel der Unordnung‘ zum Engel des Rauschens. Kontroll- und Rationalitätsformen in Mensch-Maschine-Systemen}, booktitle={Blätter für Technikgeschichte Heft 66/67}, author={Weber, Jutta}, year={2005}, pages={239–261} }
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2005 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 37206 |

@inbook{Weber_Becker_2005, place={Bielefeld}, title={Verkörperte Kognition und die Unbestimmtheit der Welt. Mensch-Maschine-Beziehungen in der Neueren KI}, booktitle={Unbestimmtheitssignaturen der Technik. Eine neue Deutung der technisierten Welt}, publisher={transcript}, author={Weber, Jutta and Becker, Barbara}, editor={Gamm, Gerhard and Hetzel, Andreas}, year={2005}, pages={219–232} }
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2005 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 37211 |

@inproceedings{Weber_2005, title={Ontological and Anthropological Dimensions of Social Robotics}, booktitle={Proceedings of the Symposium on Robot Companions: Hard Problems and Open Challenges in Robot-Human Interaction. AISB 2005 Convention Social Intelligence and Interaction in Animals, Robots and Agents at the University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK, 12-15th April 2005}, author={Weber, Jutta}, year={2005}, pages={121–125} }
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2005 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 37210 |

@article{Weber_2005, title={Helpless Machines and True Loving Caregivers. A Feminist Critique of Recent Trends in Human-Robot Interaction}, journal={Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society. Vol. 3, Issue 4, Paper 6}, author={Weber, Jutta}, year={2005}, pages={209–218} }
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2005 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 37588 |

@book{Weber_Bath_Bauer_Bock von Wülfingen_Saupe_2005, place={Bielefeld}, title={Materialität denken. Studien zur technologischen Verkörperung}, publisher={transcript}, year={2005} }
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2005 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 41763 |

@inproceedings{Fuchs_2005, series={Trans 15 (August 2005)}, title={Which New (or Reactualized) Forms of Cooperation are Enabled by Electronic Technology? Some Hypotheses}, booktitle={“The Unifying Aspects of Culture“, November 7-9, 2003}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, year={2005}, collection={Trans 15 (August 2005)} }
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2005 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 41766 |

@article{Fuchs_Hofkirchner_2005, title={The Dialectic of Bottom-Up- and Top-Down-Emergence in Social Systems}, volume={3}, DOI={}, number={3}, journal={tripleC}, author={Fuchs, Christian and Hofkirchner, Wolfgang}, year={2005}, pages={28–50} }
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2005 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 42438 |

@inproceedings{Fuchs_2005, title={Knowledge and Society from the Perspective of the Unified Theory of Information (UTI) Approach}, booktitle={Proceedings of FIS 2005: Third Conference on the Foundations of Information Science}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, editor={Petitjean, Michel}, year={2005} }
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2004 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2120 |

@inproceedings{Awerbuch_Scheideler_2004, series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, title={Group Spreading: A Protocol for Provably Secure Distributed Name Service}, volume={3142}, booktitle={ICALP}, author={Awerbuch, Baruch and Scheideler, Christian}, year={2004}, pages={183--195}, collection={Lecture Notes in Computer Science} }
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2004 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2121 |

@inproceedings{Riley_Scheideler_2004, title={A Distributed Hash Table for Computational Grids}, booktitle={IPDPS}, author={Riley, Chris and Scheideler, Christian}, year={2004} }
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2004 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2122 |

@inproceedings{Awerbuch_Scheideler_2004, series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, title={Robust Distributed Name Service}, volume={3279}, booktitle={IPTPS}, author={Awerbuch, Baruch and Scheideler, Christian}, year={2004}, pages={237--249}, collection={Lecture Notes in Computer Science} }
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2004 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2123 |

@inproceedings{Ateniese_Riley_Scheideler_2004, title={Survivable Monitoring in Dynamic Networks}, booktitle={IWIA}, author={Ateniese, Giuseppe and Riley, Chris and Scheideler, Christian}, year={2004}, pages={33--47} }
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2004 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2124 |

@inproceedings{Awerbuch_Scheideler_2004, title={The hyperring: a low-congestion deterministic data structure for distributed environments}, booktitle={SODA}, author={Awerbuch, Baruch and Scheideler, Christian}, year={2004}, pages={318--327} }
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2004 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2125 |

@inproceedings{Awerbuch_Scheideler_2004, title={Consistent and compact data management in distributed storage systems}, booktitle={SPAA}, author={Awerbuch, Baruch and Scheideler, Christian}, year={2004}, pages={44--53} }
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2004 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2126 |

@inproceedings{Bhargava_Kothapalli_Riley_Scheideler_Thober_2004, title={Pagoda: a dynamic overlay network for routing, data management, and multicasting}, booktitle={SPAA}, author={Bhargava, Ankur and Kothapalli, Kishore and Riley, Chris and Scheideler, Christian and Thober, Mark}, year={2004}, pages={170--179} }
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2004 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2127 |

@inproceedings{Bagchi_Bhargava_Chaudhary_Eppstein_Scheideler_2004, title={The effect of faults on network expansion}, booktitle={SPAA}, publisher={ACM}, author={Bagchi, Amitabha and Bhargava, Ankur and Chaudhary, Amitabh and Eppstein, David and Scheideler, Christian}, year={2004}, pages={286--293} }
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