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2002 Publications
2014 | Working Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5037
Diller, M., Kortebusch, P., Schneider, G., & Sureth-Sloane, C. (2014). Do Investors Request Advance Tax Rulings to Alleviate Tax Risk (and do tax authorities provide them)? A Joint Taxpayers’ and Tax Authorities’ View on Investment Behavior (Vol. 167).
2014 | Working Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5040
Diller, M., Kortebusch, P., Schneider, G., & Sureth-Sloane, C. (2014). Boon or Bane? Advance Tax Rulings As a Measure to Mitigate Tax Uncertainty and Foster Investment (Vol. 187).
2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5110
Gilroy, B. M., Heimann, A., & Schopf, M. (2014). Gibt es eine optimale Frauenquote? WiSt-Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 43(2), 85–90.
2014 | Newspaper Article | LibreCat-ID: 5142
Fahr, R. (2014). Vom Wollen und Können ethischen Entscheidens. Theologie Und Glaube, pp. 260–269.
2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5143
Seiler, V., & Rudolf, M. (2014). Customer satisfaction in private banking. Credit and Capital Markets - Kredit Und Kapital, 47(3), 485–520.
2014 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 5147
Fahr, R. (2014). Verantwortungsvolles Handeln in Unternehmen. Die Rolle von kognitiven Verzerrungen und Selbsttäuschung bei ethischen Entscheidungen (pp. 137–166). Paderborn: Klaus von Stoch.
2014 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 5164
Akkerman, A., Torenvlied, R., Lehr, A., & Thommes, K. (2014). Contagious conflict: spill-over effects of labor conflict between and within organizations. In Social conflict within and between groups. Psychology Press.
2014 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 5167
Thommes, K., Walgenbach, P., & Oertel, S. (2014). Die Rechte von Arbeitnehmervertretern in Ost- und Westeuropa - Einheitseuropa oder Zweiklassengesellschaft? (pp. 216–245). Rainer Hampp-Verlag.
2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5189
Arzt, S., Rasthofer, S., Fritz, C., Bodden, E., Bartel, A., Klein, J., … McDaniel, P. (2014). FlowDroid: Precise Context, Flow, Field, Object-sensitive and Lifecycle-aware Taint Analysis for Android Apps. In Proceedings of the 35th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation - PLDI ’14. ACM Press.
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2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5190
Arzt, S., Rasthofer, S., Lovat, E., & Bodden, E. (2014). DroidForce: Enforcing Complex, Data-Centric, System-Wide Policies in Android. In International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2014) (pp. 40–49). IEEE.
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2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5241
Schmitz, H., Augurzky, B., & Roppel, U. (2014). Kehrtwende in der Gesundheitspolitik - Unnötige Abkehr von einer erfolgreichen Reform zur Finanzierung der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung. RWI Position, 59.
2014 | Working Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5333
Müller, J. (2014). The Challenge of Assessing the Market Value of Private Companies Using a Standardized Combination Method for Tax Purposes – Lessons to be Learned from Past Experience (Vol. Volume 23, Number 1, pp. 117-141(25)). Routledge, part of the Taylor & Francis Group.
2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5444
Zapkau, F. B., Schwens, C., & Kabst, R. (2014). The Role of prior Entrepreneurial Exposure in the Entrepreneurial Process: A Review and Future Research Implications. Journal of Small Business Management.
2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5460
Vogt, S., Förster, B., & Kabst, R. (2014). Social media and e-participation: Challenges of social media for managing public projects. International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age. , 1(3), 87–107.
2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5461
Zapkau, F. B., Schwens, C., & Kabst, R. (2014). Foreign Direct Investments and domestic employment of German SMEs: The moderating effect of owner-management. Journal of Small Business Management (JSBM)., 52(3), 451–476.
2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5462
Isidor, R., Steinmetz, H., Schwens, C., & Kabst, R. (2014). Linking Transaction Cost and Social Exchange Theory to Explain Strategic Alliance Performance: A Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Model. International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances., 3(2).
2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5463
Strohmeier, S., & Kabst, R. (2014). Configurations of e-HRM - An Empirical Exploration. Employee Relations., 36(4), 333–353.
2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5573 |
Yasasin, E., Rauchecker, G., Prester, J., & Schryen, G. (2014). A Fuzzy Security Investment Decision Support Model for Highly Distributed Systems. In 1st Workshop on Security in highly connected IT systems (SHCIS 14).
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2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5585 |
Wex, F., Schryen, G., Feuerriegel, S., & Neumann, D. (2014). Emergency Response in Natural Disaster Management: Allocation and Scheduling of Rescue Units. European Journal of Operational Research.
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2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5614 |
Schryen, G., & Wex, F. (2014). Risk Reduction in Natural Disaster Management Through Information Systems: A Literature review and an IS design science research agenda. International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM), 6(1).
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