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2003 Publications

2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 16064
Hüllermeier, E. (2014). Learning from imprecise and fuzzy observations: Data disambiguation through generalized loss minimization. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 55(7), 1519–1534.

2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 16069
Henzgen, S., Strickert, M., & Hüllermeier, E. (2014). Visualization of evolving fuzzy-rule-based systems. Evolving Systems, 5, 175–191.

2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 16077
Busa-Fekete, R., Szörenyi, B., Weng, P., Cheng, W., & Hüllermeier, E. (2014). Preference-based reinforcement learning: evolutionary direct policy search using a preference-based racing algorithm. Machine Learning, 97(3), 327–351.

2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 16078
Krempl, G., Zliobaite, I., Brzezinski, D., Hüllermeier, E., Last, M., Lemaire, V., … Stefanowski, J. (2014). Open challenges for data stream mining research. SIGKDD Explorations, 16(1), 1–10.

2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 16079
Strickert, M., Bunte, K., Schleif, F. M., & Hüllermeier, E. (2014). Correlation-based embedding of pairwise score data. Neurocomputing, 141, 97–109.

2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 16080
Shaker, A., & Hüllermeier, E. (2014). Survival analysis on data streams: Analyzing temporal events in dynamically changing environments. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 24(1), 199–212.

2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 16082
Senge, R., Bösner, S., Dembczynski, K., Haasenritter, J., Hirsch, O., Donner-Banzhoff, N., & Hüllermeier, E. (2014). Reliable classification: Learning classifiers that distinguish aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty. Information Sciences, 255, 16–29.

2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 16083
Donner-Banzhoff, N., Haasenritter, J., Hüllermeier, E., Viniol, A., Bösner, S., & Becker, A. (2014). The comprehensive diagnostic study is suggested as a design to model the diagnostic process. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2(67), 124–132.

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 16097
Klein, M., Hülsbusch, D., Walther, F., Bartsch, M., Hausmann, J., Frantz, M., … Tröster, T. (2014). Characterization of the corrosion influence on the fatigue behavior of intrinsic CFRP-steel-hybrids (pp. 188–193). Presented at the International Conference: Euro Hybrid Materials and Structures, Stade.

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 16099
Frantz, M., Lauter, C., Tröster, T., Hausmann, J., Bartsch, M., Hülsbusch, D., & Walther, F. (2014). Efficient manufacturing of hybrid structures consisting of steel and CFRP with using residual heat / Effiziente Herstellung von Hybridbauteilen aus Stahl und CFK mithilfe von Restwärmeausnutzung. Presented at the New Developments in Sheet Metal Forming (Neuere Entwicklungen in der Blechumformung), Stuttgart.

2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 16105
Donati, G., Bartley, T., Jin, X.-M., Vidrighin, M.-D., Datta, A., Barbieri, M., & Walmsley, I. A. (2014). Observing optical coherence across Fock layers with weak-field homodyne detectors. Nature Communications.
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2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 16120
Block, H., Marten, T., & Tröster, T. (2014). Crash simulation of high strength automotive components using advanced failure models. Presented at the 4th international conference on steels in cars and trucks, Braunschweig.

2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 16122
Lauter, C., Niewel, J., & Tröster, T. (2014). Quasistatic and crash tests of steel-CFRP hybrid pillar structures for automotive applications. International Journal of Automotive Composites.
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2014 | Dissertation | LibreCat-ID: 16127
Lauter, C. (2014). Entwicklung und Herstellung von Hybridbauteilen aus Metallen und Faserverbundkunststoffen für den Leichtbau im Automobil (Vol. 4). Aachen: Shaker Verlag.

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 16128
Block, H., Marten, T., Weiß Borkowski, N., & Tröster, T. (2014). Crash performance of the new press hardenable steel 15MnB6. Presented at the 3rd MATFEM conference, Hohenkammer.

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 16129
Reuter, C., Flore, D., Pöhler, S., Sauerland, K. H., & Tröster, T. (2014). Numerical simulation of the energy absorption of fiber-reinforced plastics. Presented at the Tagungsband NAFEMS Seminar: Simulation of Composites – A Closed Process Chain, Leipzig.

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 16130
Weiß Borkowski, N., Marten, T., & Tröster, T. (2014). Mehrachsige Werkstoffprüfung bei hoher Dehnrate im Hochgeschwindigkeits-Tiefungsversuch. Presented at the Fortschritte in der Werkstoffprüfung für Forschung und Praxis, Tagungsband Werkstoffprüfung 2014, Berlin.

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 16255
Leuders, S., Riemer, A., Richard, H. A., Tröster, T., & Niendorf, T. (2014). Selective-Laser-Melting materials under cyclic loading: Influence of process-inherent defects on the initiation and propagation of fatigue cracks. Presented at the 25th Colloquium on Fatigue Mechanisms, Erlangen, Germany.

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 16256
Leuders, S., Tröster, T., Brenne, F., Riemer, A., Richard, H. A., & Niendorf, T. (2014). Evaluation of the effect of defects on the mechanical performance of components manufactured by selective laser melting. Presented at the American Society for Precision Engineering 2014 Spring Topical Meeting: Dimensional Accuracy and Surface Finish in Additive Manufacturing, San Francisco, California, USA.

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 16257
Leuders, S., Tröster, T., Riemer, A., Richard, H. A., & Niendorf, T. (2014). On the mechanical performance of structures manufactured by selective laser melting: Damage initiation and propagation. Presented at the Additive Manufacturing with Powder Metallurgy Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA.

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