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2272 Publications
2019 | Conference Abstract | LibreCat-ID: 15154
Wende, M., Staggenborg, C., & Kenig, E. (2019). Simulation von Gravidestillationsprozessen mit Metallschäumen. In Workshop Wärmeübertragung mit Phasenwechsel in fluiden Systemen: Ein Update. Paderborn.
2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 15164
Feldmann, N., Jurgelucks, B., Claes, L., & Henning, B. (2019). A sensitivity-based optimisation procedure for the characterisation of piezoelectric discs. In 2019 International Congress on Ultrasonics.
2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 15173
Jenert, T., Brahm, T., & Naeve-Stoß, N. (2019). Fachbezogene Reflexion in der beruflichen Lehrer*innenbildung. Bwpat, 37.
2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 15174
Jenert, T., & Brahm , T. (2019). Untangling Faculty Misinformation From an Educational Perspective: Rejoinder to “‘The Menace of Misinformation: Faculty Misstatements in Management Education and Their Consequences.’” Journal of Management Education , 43(4), 446–453.
2019 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 15175
Jenert, T., Reinmann, G., & Schmohl, T. (Eds.). (2019). Theorie und Praxis der Hochschulbildungsforschung (1st ed.). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
2019 | Conference Abstract | LibreCat-ID: 15182
Dunst, A., & Hartel, R. (2019). Multimodale Stilometrie: Herausforderungen und Potenzial kombinatorischer Bild- und Textanalysen am Beispiel Comics. In DHd Konferenz 2019, multimedial und multimodal.
2019 | Conference Abstract | LibreCat-ID: 15186
Dunst, A., & Hartel, R. (2019). Quantifying Complexity in Multimodal Media: AlanMoore and the “Density” of the Graphic Novel. In Digital Humanities, DH 2019.
2019 | Working Paper | LibreCat-ID: 15202
Haake, C.-J., Upmann, T., & Duman, P. (2019). The Decomposability of the Nash Bargaining Solution in Labor Markets (Vol. 128). CIE Working Paper Series, Paderborn University.
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2019 | Working Paper | LibreCat-ID: 15204
Aslan, F., Duman, P., & Trockel, W. (2019). Duality for General TU-games Redefined (Vol. 121). CIE Working Paper Series, Paderborn University.
| Files available
2019 | Conference (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 15235
Stein, B., & Wachsmuth, H. (Eds.). (2019). Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Argument Mining. Florence, Italy: Association for Computational Linguistics.
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2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 15244
Hagedorn, O. E. C., Pielsticker, D., Hemsel, T., & Sextro, W. (2019). Messung hochfrequenter In-Plane-Schwingungen mittels Laservibrometrie in räumlich eingeschränkten Umgebungen. In 2. VDI-Fachtagung Schwingungen 2019. VDI Verlag GmbH · Düsseldorf 2019.
2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 15247
Grabo, M., Weber, D., Paul, A., Klaus, T., Bermpohl, W., Krauter, S., & Kenig, E. (2019). Entwicklung eines thermischen 1D-Simulationsmodells zur Bestimmung der Temperaturverteilung in Solarmodulen. Presented at the 2. Regenerative Energietechnik Konferenz (RET.Con 2019), Nordhausen.
2019 | Conference Abstract | LibreCat-ID: 15248
Grabo, M., Weber, D., Paul, A., Klaus, T., Bermpohl, W., & Kenig, E. (2019). Numerische Untersuchung der Temperaturverteilung in PCM-integrierten Solarmodulen. Presented at the Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Energieverfahrenstechnik und des Arbeitsausschusses Thermische Energiespeicherung, Frankfurt am Main.
2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 15261
Lugovtsova, Y., Johannesmann, S., Henning, B., & Prager, J. (2019). Analysis of Lamb wave mode repulsion and its implications to the characterisation of adhesive bonding strength. In 2019 International Congress on Ultrasonics. Bruges: Acoustical Society of America.
2019 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 15265
Linssen, O., Mikusz, M., Volland, A., Yigitbas, E., Engstler, M., Fazal-Baqaie, M., & Kuhrmann, M. (Eds.). (2019). Projektmanagement und Vorgehensmodelle 2019. Neue Vorgehensmodelle in Projekten – Führung, Kulturen und Infrastrukturen im Wandel. (Vol. Volume P-298).
2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 15268
Szierbowski-Seibel, K., Wach, B. A., & Kabst, R. (2019). The Collaboration of Human Resource Management and Line Management–An International Comparison. Organization Management Journal, 262–277.
2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 15269
Prince, N. R., & Kabst, R. (2019). Impact of national culture on organizations’ use of selection practices. Employee Relations: The International Journal, 1145–1161.
2019 | Mastersthesis | LibreCat-ID: 15946
Mehta, J. (2019). Multithreaded Software/Hardware Programming with ReconOS/freeRTOS on a Recongurable System-on-Chip.
2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 15950
Akbulut Irmak, E. F., & Tröster, T. (2019). Fracture prediction of additively manufactured AlSi10Mg materials. Procedia Structural Integrity, 190–197.
2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 15976
Akbulut Irmak, E. F., Hanses, J., Schweizer, S., & Tröster, T. (2019). Modeling the Energy Absorption Characteristics of Wood Crash Elements. 12th European LS-DYNA Conference, Koblenz.