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40105 Publications
2023 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 54282
A finite strain gradient theory for viscoplasticity by means of micromorphic regularization
A. Hamdoun, R. Mahnken, PAMM 22 (2023).
A. Hamdoun, R. Mahnken, PAMM 22 (2023).
2023 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 45185
Biopolitik und Biopoethik: Modi der Aushandlung menschlichen Lebens in (Gegenwarts-)Literatur, Film und Serie
R. Hannebohm, in: R. Hannebohm, A.-L. Harmening (Eds.), Biopolitik(en) in Literatur, Film und Serie: Aushandlungs- und Reflexionsräume vom 18. Jahrhundert bis heute, LibreCat University, Paderborn, 2023, pp. 17–36.
R. Hannebohm, in: R. Hannebohm, A.-L. Harmening (Eds.), Biopolitik(en) in Literatur, Film und Serie: Aushandlungs- und Reflexionsräume vom 18. Jahrhundert bis heute, LibreCat University, Paderborn, 2023, pp. 17–36.
2023 | Bachelorsthesis | LibreCat-ID: 42839
An Evaluation of XCS on the OpenAI Gym
F. Mehlich, An Evaluation of XCS on the OpenAI Gym, Paderborn University, Paderborn, 2023.
F. Mehlich, An Evaluation of XCS on the OpenAI Gym, Paderborn University, Paderborn, 2023.
2023 | Mastersthesis | LibreCat-ID: 53930
A Comparison of Algorithms for the Generation of Layouts based on Reconfigurable Slots on FPGAs
Y. Tadakamalla, A Comparison of Algorithms for the Generation of Layouts Based on Reconfigurable Slots on FPGAs, Paderborn University, 2023.
Y. Tadakamalla, A Comparison of Algorithms for the Generation of Layouts Based on Reconfigurable Slots on FPGAs, Paderborn University, 2023.
2023 | Mastersthesis | LibreCat-ID: 54295
Design and Realization of Optimized Intra-FPGA ROS 2 Communication
S.H. Middeke, Design and Realization of Optimized Intra-FPGA ROS 2 Communication, Paderborn University, 2023.
S.H. Middeke, Design and Realization of Optimized Intra-FPGA ROS 2 Communication, Paderborn University, 2023.
2023 | Mastersthesis | LibreCat-ID: 54294
A Hardware/Software Co-designed ORB-SLAM2 Algorithm for FPGA
S. Thiele, A Hardware/Software Co-Designed ORB-SLAM2 Algorithm for FPGA, Paderborn University, 2023.
S. Thiele, A Hardware/Software Co-Designed ORB-SLAM2 Algorithm for FPGA, Paderborn University, 2023.
2023 | Mastersthesis | LibreCat-ID: 54297
Implementation and Evaluation of a ReconROS-based Obstacle Avoidance Architecture for Autonomous Robots
A. Abooof, Implementation and Evaluation of a ReconROS-Based Obstacle Avoidance Architecture for Autonomous Robots, Paderborn University, 2023.
A. Abooof, Implementation and Evaluation of a ReconROS-Based Obstacle Avoidance Architecture for Autonomous Robots, Paderborn University, 2023.
2023 | Mastersthesis | LibreCat-ID: 54296
Multithreaded Software/Hardware Programming with ReconOS/Zephyr on a RISC-V-based System-on-Chip
A.P. Rao, Multithreaded Software/Hardware Programming with ReconOS/Zephyr on a RISC-V-Based System-on-Chip, Paderborn University, 2023.
A.P. Rao, Multithreaded Software/Hardware Programming with ReconOS/Zephyr on a RISC-V-Based System-on-Chip, Paderborn University, 2023.
2023 | Bachelorsthesis | LibreCat-ID: 45762
Effizienzanalyse leichtgewichtiger Neuronaler Netze für FPGA-basierte Modulationsklassifikation
F. Simon-Mertens, Effizienzanalyse leichtgewichtiger Neuronaler Netze für FPGA-basierte Modulationsklassifikation, Paderborn University, 2023.
F. Simon-Mertens, Effizienzanalyse leichtgewichtiger Neuronaler Netze für FPGA-basierte Modulationsklassifikation, Paderborn University, 2023.
2023 | Bachelorsthesis | LibreCat-ID: 54243
Demonstrator for Dataflow-based DNN Acceleration for Vision Applications on Platform FPGAs
M.O. Oviasogie, Demonstrator for Dataflow-Based DNN Acceleration for Vision Applications on Platform FPGAs, Paderborn University, 2023.
M.O. Oviasogie, Demonstrator for Dataflow-Based DNN Acceleration for Vision Applications on Platform FPGAs, Paderborn University, 2023.
2023 | Bachelorsthesis | LibreCat-ID: 54241
Development of a Power Analysis Framework for Embedded FPGA Accelerators
L.D. Reuter, Development of a Power Analysis Framework for Embedded FPGA Accelerators, Paderborn University, 2023.
L.D. Reuter, Development of a Power Analysis Framework for Embedded FPGA Accelerators, Paderborn University, 2023.
2023 | Bachelorsthesis | LibreCat-ID: 54246
Verarbeitung von Sensordaten auf eingebetteten heterogenen FPGA-Systemen
R. Hamm, Verarbeitung von Sensordaten auf eingebetteten heterogenen FPGA-Systemen, Paderborn University, 2023.
R. Hamm, Verarbeitung von Sensordaten auf eingebetteten heterogenen FPGA-Systemen, Paderborn University, 2023.
2023 | Bachelorsthesis | LibreCat-ID: 52480
Fast Partial Reconfiguration for ReconOS64 on Xilinx MPSoC Devices
A. Klassen, Fast Partial Reconfiguration for ReconOS64 on Xilinx MPSoC Devices, Paderborn University, 2023.
A. Klassen, Fast Partial Reconfiguration for ReconOS64 on Xilinx MPSoC Devices, Paderborn University, 2023.
2023 | Bachelorsthesis | LibreCat-ID: 54298
Ein Simulator für Schedulability-Experimente mit periodischen Tasks auf FPGAs
J. Tsague Dingo, Ein Simulator Für Schedulability-Experimente Mit Periodischen Tasks Auf FPGAs, Paderborn University, 2023.
J. Tsague Dingo, Ein Simulator Für Schedulability-Experimente Mit Periodischen Tasks Auf FPGAs, Paderborn University, 2023.
2023 | Mastersthesis | LibreCat-ID: 54299
Evaluation of Classifier Migration Between Multiple XCS Populations
M. Brede, Evaluation of Classifier Migration Between Multiple XCS Populations, Paderborn University, 2023.
M. Brede, Evaluation of Classifier Migration Between Multiple XCS Populations, Paderborn University, 2023.
2023 | Mastersthesis | LibreCat-ID: 54300
Design and Realization of an Intra-FPGA ROS 2 Communication Infrastructure for the ReconROS Executor
A. Nowosad, Design and Realization of an Intra-FPGA ROS 2 Communication Infrastructure for the ReconROS Executor, Paderborn University, 2023.
A. Nowosad, Design and Realization of an Intra-FPGA ROS 2 Communication Infrastructure for the ReconROS Executor, Paderborn University, 2023.
2023 | Mastersthesis | LibreCat-ID: 54244
Design and Implementation of a RadioML Demonstrator based on an RFSoC Platform
S. AlAidroos, Design and Implementation of a RadioML Demonstrator Based on an RFSoC Platform, Paderborn University, 2023.
S. AlAidroos, Design and Implementation of a RadioML Demonstrator Based on an RFSoC Platform, Paderborn University, 2023.
2023 | Bachelorsthesis | LibreCat-ID: 54242
Bewertung der Xilinx Runtime Library zur Hardware/Software-Kommunikation
G. Evers, Bewertung der Xilinx Runtime Library zur Hardware/Software-Kommunikation, Paderborn University, 2023.
G. Evers, Bewertung der Xilinx Runtime Library zur Hardware/Software-Kommunikation, Paderborn University, 2023.
2023 | Mastersthesis | LibreCat-ID: 46075
Reconfigurable Random Forest Implementation on FPGA
M. Raeisi Nafchi, Reconfigurable Random Forest Implementation on FPGA, Paderborn University, 2023.
M. Raeisi Nafchi, Reconfigurable Random Forest Implementation on FPGA, Paderborn University, 2023.
2023 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 46190 |
Mutation Tree Reconstruction of Tumor Cells on FPGAs Using a Bit-Level Matrix Representation
J.-O. Opdenhövel, C. Plessl, T. Kenter, in: Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Highly Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technologies (HEART), ACM, 2023.
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J.-O. Opdenhövel, C. Plessl, T. Kenter, in: Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Highly Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technologies (HEART), ACM, 2023.