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40736 Publications

2021 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 32466
Peckhaus, V. (2021). Nakano, Anderson, “On Ramsey’s Reason to Amend Principia Mathematica’s Logicism and Wittgenstein’s Reaction”, Synthese 199 (2021), 2629–2646. In Mathematical Reviews, MR4341825 (No. MR4341825).
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2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 53781
Jankovic, N., Schmitting, S., Krüger, B., Nöthlings, U., Buyken, A., & Alexy, U. (2021). Changes in chronotype and social jetlag during adolescence and their association with concurrent changes in BMI-SDS and body composition, in the DONALD Study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 76(5), 765–771.
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2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 53777
Alexy, U., Jankovic, N., Schmitting, S., & Buyken, A. E. (2021). Chronobiologie und Ernährung. Aktuelle Ernährungsmedizin, 46(02), 95–104.
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2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 53780
Hohoff, E., Perrar, I., Jankovic, N., & Alexy, U. (2021). Dairy intake and long-term body weight status in German children and adolescents: results from the DONALD study. European Journal of Nutrition, 61(2), 1087–1096.
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2021 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 53778
Stutz, B., Krueger, B., Schadow, A., Jankovic, N., Alexy, U., & Buyken, A. (2021). ERLAUBT DER LOCKDOWN EIN MAHLZEITENTIMING NACH DEM CIRCADIANEN RHYTHMUS? 20. Dreiländertagung Der Gesellschaft Für Klinische Ernährung Der Schweiz (GESKES) Dem Schweizerischen Verband Der Ernährungsberater/Innen (SVDE) Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Ernährungsmedizin e.V. (DGEM) Der Österreichischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Klinische Ernährung (AKE) Abstracts, Sortiert Nach Freien Vorträgen Und E-Postern, Welche Nach Themengruppen Sortiert Sind.
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2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 54791
Hartmann, A. (2021). Ashe, Bertram D.; Saal, Ilka (eds.).                   Slavery and the Post-Black Imagination. Seattle: Washington University Press, 2020. 248 pp. Kritikon Litterarum, 48(3–4), 404–410.
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2021 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 29144
Peckhaus, V. (2021). Vlasáková, Marta, “Logic and Sets”, Logic and Logical Philosophy 29 (2020), 71-95. In Mathematical Reviews, MR4086076 (No. 4086076).
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2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 37822
Han, D., Yang, K., & Meschut, G. (2021). Mechanical joining of glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) through an innovative solid self-piercing rivet. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 296, Article 117182.
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2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 33667
Gries, T., & Naudé, W. (2021). Extreme Events, Entrepreneurial Start-Ups, and Innovation: Theoretical Conjectures. Economics of Disasters and Climate Change, 5(3), 329–353.
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2021 | Working Paper | LibreCat-ID: 51758
Bush, A., de Gruisbourne, B., Matzner, T., & Schulz, C. (2021). Data Literacy: Kompetenzrahmen für Hochschulen .

2021 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 54986
del Valle, V. (2021). “Street poetry” - Die poetische Dimension der urbanen Schriftkunst. In F. Häuser (Ed.), Graffiti. Interdisziplinäre und kontemporäre Perspektiven. Beltz Juventa.

2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 54987
del Valle, V. (2021). Teatro aplicado - Métodos de enseñanza performativa para el aula de español como lengua extranjera. Hispanorama, 173.

2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 37644 | OA
Schröer, F., & Tenberge, C. (2021). Technological and Inclusive Education - Considering Students’ Needs Towards Technological Learning in Primary Schools. TECHNE SERIES - Forskning i Slöjdpedagogik Och Slöjdvetenskap, 28(2), 322–331.
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2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 43278 | OA
Hälterlein, J. (2021). Epistemologies of predictive policing: Mathematical social science, social physics and machine learning. Big Data & Society, 8(1).
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2021 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 54100
Heise, T. (2021). Das „geheime Europa“. Hugo von Hofmannsthals späte Parallelaktion zu Stefan Georges „geheimem Deutschland“ (1919–1923). In R. Innerhofer & S. Ritz (Eds.), „Sehnsucht nach dem Leben“. Tradition und Innovation im Werk Hugo von Hofmannsthals (Vol. 19, pp. 25–37). praesens.

2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 54097
Heise, T. (2021). Das ‚Erfundene Gespräch‘ als transatlantischer Dialog. Gattungsvariationen und Gedankenexperimente in Hofmannsthals Gesprächsfragment “Brief ans Dial” (1925). Hofmannsthal-Jahrbuch, 29, 259–280.
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2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 54108
Heise, T., & Beßlich, B. (2021). Verfreundete Europäer im Kampf mit der Moderne. Ruperto Carola Forschungsmagazin, 17, 122–131.

2021 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 29356
Bernaerts, L., & Mildorf, J. (2021). When Sounds Make Stories: Lessons for Narrative Theory from the Study of Radio Drama. In L. Bernaerts & J. Mildorf (Eds.), Audionarratology: Lessons from Radio Drama (1st ed., pp. 1–13). Ohio State University Press.

2021 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 26824
Mildorf, J. (2021). Auricularization and Narrative-Epistemic Stance in Louis Nowra’s Echo Point. In L. Bernaerts & J. Mildorf (Eds.), Audionarratology: Lessons from Radio Drama. Ohio State University Press.

2021 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 29354
Mildorf, J. (2021). ‘Ja, ja, so schön klingt das Schreckliche’: An Audionarratological Analysis of Andreas Ammer and FM Einheit’s Lost & Found: Das Paradies. In I. Arteel, L. Bernaerts, S. Bluijs, & P. Verhulst (Eds.), Tuning in to the Neo-Avantgarde: Experimental Radio Plays in the Postwar Period (1st ed., pp. 128–149). Manchester University Press.


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