Self-Stabilizing Supervised Publish-Subscribe Systems
M. Feldmann, C. Kolb, C. Scheideler, T.F. Strothmann, in: Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), IEEE, 2018.

Conference Paper
| English
In this paper we present two major results:
First, we introduce the first self-stabilizing version of a supervised overlay network (as introduced in~\cite{DBLP:conf/ispan/KothapalliS05}) by presenting a self-stabilizing supervised skip ring.
Secondly, we show how to use the self-stabilizing supervised skip ring to construct an efficient self-stabilizing publish-subscribe system.
That is, in addition to stabilizing the overlay network, every subscriber of a topic will eventually know all of the publications that have been issued so far for that topic. The communication work needed to processes a subscribe or unsubscribe operation is just a constant in a legitimate state, and the communication work of checking whether the system is still in a legitimate state is just a constant on expectation for the supervisor as well as any process in the system.
Publishing Year
Proceedings Title
Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS)
32nd IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS)
Conference Location
Conference Date
2018-5-22 – 2018-5-24
Cite this
Feldmann M, Kolb C, Scheideler C, Strothmann TF. Self-Stabilizing Supervised Publish-Subscribe Systems. In: Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS). IEEE; 2018. doi:10.1109/IPDPS.2018.00114
Feldmann, M., Kolb, C., Scheideler, C., & Strothmann, T. F. (2018). Self-Stabilizing Supervised Publish-Subscribe Systems. In Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS). Vancouver: IEEE.
@inproceedings{Feldmann_Kolb_Scheideler_Strothmann_2018, title={Self-Stabilizing Supervised Publish-Subscribe Systems}, DOI={10.1109/IPDPS.2018.00114}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS)}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Feldmann, Michael and Kolb, Christina and Scheideler, Christian and Strothmann, Thim Frederik}, year={2018} }
Feldmann, Michael, Christina Kolb, Christian Scheideler, and Thim Frederik Strothmann. “Self-Stabilizing Supervised Publish-Subscribe Systems.” In Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS). IEEE, 2018.
M. Feldmann, C. Kolb, C. Scheideler, and T. F. Strothmann, “Self-Stabilizing Supervised Publish-Subscribe Systems,” in Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), Vancouver, 2018.
Feldmann, Michael, et al. “Self-Stabilizing Supervised Publish-Subscribe Systems.” Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), IEEE, 2018, doi:10.1109/IPDPS.2018.00114.
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