Autonomous Learning of Representations
O. Walter, R. Haeb-Umbach, B. Mokbel, B. Paassen, B. Hammer, KI - Kuenstliche Intelligenz (2015) 1–13.
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Journal Article
| English
Walter, Oliver;
Haeb-Umbach, ReinholdLibreCat;
Mokbel, Bassam;
Paassen, Benjamin;
Hammer, Barbara
Besides the core learning algorithm itself, one major question in machine learning is how to best encode given training data such that the learning technology can efficiently learn based thereon and generalize to novel data. While classical approaches often rely on a hand coded data representation, the topic of autonomous representation or feature learning plays a major role in modern learning architectures. The goal of this contribution is to give an overview about different principles of autonomous feature learning, and to exemplify two principles based on two recent examples: autonomous metric learning for sequences, and autonomous learning of a deep representation for spoken language, respectively.
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KI - Kuenstliche Intelligenz
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Walter O, Haeb-Umbach R, Mokbel B, Paassen B, Hammer B. Autonomous Learning of Representations. KI - Kuenstliche Intelligenz. 2015:1-13. doi:
Walter, O., Haeb-Umbach, R., Mokbel, B., Paassen, B., & Hammer, B. (2015). Autonomous Learning of Representations. KI - Kuenstliche Intelligenz, 1–13.
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Walter, Oliver, Reinhold Haeb-Umbach, Bassam Mokbel, Benjamin Paassen, and Barbara Hammer. “Autonomous Learning of Representations.” KI - Kuenstliche Intelligenz, 2015, 1–13.
O. Walter, R. Haeb-Umbach, B. Mokbel, B. Paassen, and B. Hammer, “Autonomous Learning of Representations,” KI - Kuenstliche Intelligenz, pp. 1–13, 2015.
Walter, Oliver, et al. “Autonomous Learning of Representations.” KI - Kuenstliche Intelligenz, 2015, pp. 1–13, doi:
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