"Goal-oriented adaptivity on mean-field and full-field homogenization methods considering hierarchical unit cells"
X. Ju, R. Mahnken, PAMM 19 (n.d.).
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| English
Ju, X.;
Mahnken, R.
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Ju X, Mahnken R. “Goal-oriented adaptivity on mean-field and full-field homogenization methods considering hierarchical unit cells.” PAMM. 19.
Ju, X., & Mahnken, R. (n.d.). “Goal-oriented adaptivity on mean-field and full-field homogenization methods considering hierarchical unit cells.” PAMM, 19.
@article{Ju_Mahnken, title={“Goal-oriented adaptivity on mean-field and full-field homogenization methods considering hierarchical unit cells”}, volume={19}, journal={PAMM}, author={Ju, X. and Mahnken, R.} }
Ju, X., and R. Mahnken. “‘Goal-Oriented Adaptivity on Mean-Field and Full-Field Homogenization Methods Considering Hierarchical Unit Cells.’” PAMM 19 (n.d.).
X. Ju and R. Mahnken, “‘Goal-oriented adaptivity on mean-field and full-field homogenization methods considering hierarchical unit cells,’” PAMM, vol. 19.
Ju, X., and R. Mahnken. “‘Goal-Oriented Adaptivity on Mean-Field and Full-Field Homogenization Methods Considering Hierarchical Unit Cells.’” PAMM, vol. 19.