Analyzing high-dimensional time-series data using kernel transfer operator eigenfunctions
S. Klus, S. Peitz, I. Schuster, ArXiv:1805.10118 (2018).
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Klus, Stefan;
Peitz, SebastianLibreCat
Schuster, Ingmar

Kernel transfer operators, which can be regarded as approximations of
transfer operators such as the Perron-Frobenius or Koopman operator in
reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, are defined in terms of covariance and
cross-covariance operators and have been shown to be closely related to the
conditional mean embedding framework developed by the machine learning
community. The goal of this paper is to show how the dominant eigenfunctions of
these operators in combination with gradient-based optimization techniques can
be used to detect long-lived coherent patterns in high-dimensional time-series
data. The results will be illustrated using video data and a fluid flow
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Klus S, Peitz S, Schuster I. Analyzing high-dimensional time-series data using kernel transfer operator eigenfunctions. arXiv:180510118. 2018.
Klus, S., Peitz, S., & Schuster, I. (2018). Analyzing high-dimensional time-series data using kernel transfer operator eigenfunctions. ArXiv:1805.10118.
@article{Klus_Peitz_Schuster_2018, title={Analyzing high-dimensional time-series data using kernel transfer operator eigenfunctions}, journal={arXiv:1805.10118}, author={Klus, Stefan and Peitz, Sebastian and Schuster, Ingmar}, year={2018} }
Klus, Stefan, Sebastian Peitz, and Ingmar Schuster. “Analyzing High-Dimensional Time-Series Data Using Kernel Transfer Operator Eigenfunctions.” ArXiv:1805.10118, 2018.
S. Klus, S. Peitz, and I. Schuster, “Analyzing high-dimensional time-series data using kernel transfer operator eigenfunctions,” arXiv:1805.10118. 2018.
Klus, Stefan, et al. “Analyzing High-Dimensional Time-Series Data Using Kernel Transfer Operator Eigenfunctions.” ArXiv:1805.10118, 2018.
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